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Kent Rochford

Dr. Kent Rochford has been appointed Chief Technical Representative for NIST Boulder, which entails management responsibility for safety and other operational activities in all of NIST Boulder as well as technical leadership in interactions with other agencies and universities. He also has been appointed acting director of NIST's Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory (EEEL), a position that has been relocated from NIST headquarters in Maryland to the Boulder labs. Dr. Rochford joined NIST in 1992 as a postdoctoral associate, left to work in the private sector, and returned to NIST in 2002 as a division chief.

Dr. Rochford received the Special Act or Service Award in 2004, the Safety Award for Sup Acc in Sep. 2005, and the Bronze Medal Award in Dec. 1998.

Kent Rochford


Acting Director
Laboratory Headquarters

Phone: 303-497-5285
Email: kent.rochford@nist.gov