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Tools for Families

Tools and Resources:

Host an LMIC Event
Tools For Communities
Tools for Schools
Webinar Training

Use these resources to help your family increase their health and fitness

Create a Healthier Start on Life

  • The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program helps over 44 million Americans buy food. Also, the Healthy Food Financing Initiative, a new program started in 2010, is working to increase healthful food outlets and choices in rural and low-income areas. Check out the LMIC Toolkit for more information.
  • Infants and Toddlers can begin learning about physical activity:Play that uses the big muscles, in arms and legs gives infants and toddlers a healthy life start. The Indian Health Service runs Head Start and Early Head Start programs that provide information and resources about meal and snack planning, family physical activity, keeping teeth healthy, injury prevention, and more. See pg. 10 of the Toolkit.

Increase Opportunities for Physical Activity

  • The Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA) is part of the President's Challenge Program, an initiative dedicated to getting people fit and active. Through PALA, young people and adults record their physical activity each day, with the goal of being active 60 minutes a day (or 30 minutes a day for adults), at least 5 days a week. See pg. 44 of the Toolkit.
Gila Crossing