Chairman Dave Camp

In Case You Missed It...

  • Why the Health Care Tax Credit Eludes Many Small Businesses

    September 26, 2012 - The Agenda has now profiled three small businesses that are struggling in different ways with providing health insurance to employees. The companies are very different — they trade in very different parts of the economy, and couldn’t be located much further apart geographically — but they do have on... More
  • The Truth About Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, and Welfare Reform

    September 25, 2012 - Earlier this year the Obama administration announced it would be issuing waivers that affect the work requirement included in the landmark reform of the nation's welfare system. As soon as they did, politicians on both sides of the aisle ran to the barricades, digging in for a protracted fight. The ... More
  • House votes to disapprove waiving welfare work requirements

    September 21, 2012 - ### More
  • Obama’s illegal scheme to end welfare work requirements

    September 20, 2012 - The Obama administration refuses to give up its backdoor and illegal pursuit to undermine the welfare work requirements. Not only is it claiming authority it doesn’t have and that prior administrations have explicitly stated does not exist, but the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (GAO)... More
  • Welfare Reform as We Knew It

    September 20, 2012 - It's hard to remember now, but this summer Mitt Romney opened a useful debate about "dependency"—concerning President Obama's regulation to rewrite the 1996 welfare reform. Democrats deny any such intent, but as early as this week the House plans to hold a vote to override the new rule. So it's a g... More
  • Welfare work requirements are a success -- Obama's plans to change them must be stopped

    September 17, 2012 - Washington power grabs are nothing new for the Obama administration – from bypassing the Senate to make unconstitutional recess appointments, to efforts by the National Labor Relations Board to force unionization on the American workforce, to attempts to impose costly cap and trade through the Envi... More
  • U.S. Incomes Fell More in Recovery, Sentier Says

    August 24, 2012 - American incomes declined more in the three-year expansion that started in June 2009 than during the longest recession since the Great Depression, according an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by Sentier Research LLC. Median household income fell 4.8 percent on an inflation-adjusted basis since ... More
  • Dave Camp: Is Tax Reform Politically Possible?

    August 11, 2012 - By Stephen Moore It is now a daily routine: President Obama issues another class-warfare call to arms, demanding that the rich pay higher tax rates starting next year. Along the way he also takes derisive shots at Republicans in Congress, as Mr. Obama insists that they triple income- and investment... More
  • The Romney Hood Fairy Tale

    August 8, 2012 - As he escalates his class war re-election campaign, President Obama has taken to calling Mitt Romney's economic plan "Robin Hood in reverse" or "Romney Hood." The charge is that even though Mr. Romney is proposing to cut tax rates for everybody across the board, Mr. Romney will finance this by impo... More
  • Rep. Dave Camp patiently pursues tax reform

    July 30, 2012 - Earlier this year, as House Republicans began strategizing for the November elections, conservatives badgered their leaders to unveil a detailed plan to overhaul the U.S. tax code. The GOP has vowed to lop 10 points off the top tax rate, and many House freshmen were eager to make that promise a cen... More