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Focus on the Workforce: Creating a Legacy We Can Live With

As outlined in the September 2012 Edition of Manufacturing Engineering Magazine

NIST MEP envisions an America where small and medium-sized manufacturers play a major role in innovation, exporting, employment and economic growth. American manufacturing already reflects the changing realities of global commerce and plays a substantial role in America’s economic resurgence. America’s manufacturing economy is reinventing itself and the world through the use of rapid prototyping, nanotechnology, lasers, automation, cloud computing, and human invention, while workforce development and talent management have never been more important.

MEP Workforce Systems Development Manager, Stacey Wagner recently wrote an article about America’s manufacturing economy and how it is reinventing itself and the world through the use of rapid prototyping, nanotechnology, lasers, automation, cloud computing, and human invention. She also discusses the importance of workforce development and talent management and believes it has never been more important than it is today.


Read the Article below

Focus on the Workforce

For more information visit the Workforce webpage.