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MEP in the NEWS

U.S. Senator Tom Carper tours ILC dover

August 21, 2012 - U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del) toured ILC Dover on Aug. 20 to see the Delaware Manufacturing Extension Partnership in action.

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NIST Visits to Chicago Spotlights Manufacturing Success

July 20, 2012 - NIST Director Patrick Gallagher was in Chicago visiting two manufacturing companies to learn more about the best practices and challenges confronting U.S. manufacturers. The trip was coordinated by the Illinois Manufacturing Extension Center (IMEC), the Illinois center for the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program.

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Rockerfeller supports plan to encourage American businesses to bring jobs back home

July 18, 2012 - Senator Jay Rockefeller goes over his cosponsored bill to encouraging American businesses to stop moving jobs overseas and talks about his support for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program

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Congressman Garamendi’s MEP Amendment Passes House of Representatives

May 18, 2012 - Congressman Garamendi spoke out in favor of the “Make It In America” agenda and introduced an amendment to increase funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP). In his floor remarks, Garamendi commented on the value of the MEP program and Manex’s role in assisting manufacturers in the Bay Area. The amendment was passed as part of the appropriations for Commerce, Justice, and Science agencies.

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Commerce Secretary, Gillibrand Speak at Manufacturing Summit

April 27, 2012 - Commerce Secretary John Bryson delivers the keynote speech at Senator Gillibrand's Manufacturing Summit. He addressed local manufacturers and other business  leaders about the economic recovery happening in the United States. In his speech Bryson highlights the Departments Manufacturing Extension Partnership and how the program works directly with local businesses to  help them become more innovative and competitive.

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Local Manufacturers Advocate for MEP at Hill Day

August 10, 2011 - Two regional manufacturing leaders traveled with IMC PA to Washington D.C. and met with Congressman Tom Marino to advocate in support of the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program during the annual Hill Day Initiative.

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Governor Lynch Meets with NH Manufacturing Extension Partnership at Johnson Precision’s New Facility in Hudson, NH

February 29, 2012 - The NH MEP held its most recent advisory board meeting at Johnson Precision’s new 50,000 square foot facility in Hudson, NH. Governor John Lynch attended the meeting and toured the new facility with CEO Jim Umland.

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JBE Inc. announces new jobs in Darlington County

October 3, 2011 - JBE Inc., a supplier to the automotive, aerospace and lawn and garden industries, Friday announced the addition of at least 20 new jobs at its Darlington County facility as a result of a new contract secured with Pure Power Technologies in Columbia.  JBE, Inc. is a client of the South Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership (SCMEP).

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President Obama Tours MEP Manufacturing Client

September 14, 2011 - President Barack Obama says WestStar Precision (North Carolina MEP client), which makes components for the aerospace and medical industry, is one of thousands of firms that would benefit from his jobs plan.

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Governor Perdue Calls on Commerce Secretary to Help North Carolina Manufacturers

August 18, 2011 - Governor Bev Perdue pressed Acting U.S. Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank to help grow jobs in North Carolina by supporting North Carolina’s manufacturing industry.

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Senator Kohl: MEP - A Positive Example of of the Government in Action

August 10, 2011 - Senator Kohl (WI) pointed out a positive example of government in action — the Manufacturing Extension Partnership. Funded equally by the federal government, state government and small businesses, the program helps these businesses become more productive and grow.

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Sen. Bob Casey Visits Bethlehem, PA MEP Client Puritan Products

June 21, 2011 - Over the last five years, Bethlehem chemical manufacturing company Puritan Products has tripled its sales and created 15 new jobs.  Senator Bob Casey visits the MEP client to learn more about their growth.

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CNBC: Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Utah Client Leading Way Towards Defense Department Goal

June 16, 2011 - Kairos Autonomi, a Utah MEP client and manufacturer of the Pronto4(TM) Agnostic Autonomy System and located in Sandy, Utah, has been awarded a contract by the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Patuxent River, Maryland, for the Navy Moving Land Target Program. The Utah Governor's Office of Economic Development (GOED) and the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Utah both played key roles in developing Kairos Autonomi's technology.

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MEP Client Fosters Reputation for Innovation

June 13, 2011 - Richard Bogert has turned his dreams into reality and his Pasco business, The Bogert Group, into a success by inventing products and improving existing ones through innovation. The MEP client built a reputation by developing hydraulic jacks for the U.S military, but it also designs and builds gear for airplanes and marine use and even a heavy-duty bed frame. He and his sister, Cathy Bogert, run the company.

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Success with the FL MEP Mobile Outreach Skills Training Program

June 10, 2011 - Tampa Bay Workforce Alliance is helping to identify qualified candidates who then go on to participate in Florida MEP's Mobile Outreach Skills Training Program, or MOST. Candidates train for two weeks on a large mobile bus, which travels all over the country.

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