We’ve Reached 75 Cosponsors Supporting H.R. 1041, the Fairness in Medicare Bidding Act

Mar 30, 2011 Issues: Healthcare

As some of you may know, on March 17th, I introduced H.R. 1041, the Fairness in Medicare Bidding Act.  This deficit neutral bill will fix Medicare’s Durable Medical Equipment competitive bidding program.  The Medicare bidding program was intended to create cost savings through competition for equipment such as home oxygen, power wheel chairs, and other critical and many times life-saving medical supplies.  But that’s clearly not the case.  Both beneficiaries and providers have illustrated problems with the program, which will force smaller suppliers from the market and threaten our quality of care for Medicare recipients.  The level of support for the legislation has been astounding – within just the last several weeks more than 75 Members of Congress have joined in cosponsoring the legislation!  Check back here soon for the full list of cosponsors. 

From a recent interview with Politico:

ONE-ON-ONE: REP. GLENN THOMPSON ON COMPETITIVE BIDDING - PULSE caught up with the Pennsylvania member to get a preview of what he'll be saying at his 10:30 a.m. presser on legislation to repeal Medicare's competitive bidding program. "This is not a partisan issue," Thompson tells POLITICO. "To me this is common-sense problem-solving to prevent monopolies, promote small business and make sure that older adults can purchase the oxygen and other medical equipment they need locally. To me this is an issue that's well-suited to be bipartisan." Thompson has not begun talks with his Senate colleagues on the issue, but says that he will "be reaching out to members of the Senate to see if we could get some type of a companionship bill. "

It’s critical that we reform the current bidding program to ensure Medicare recipients get the high-quality, low-cost medical care they deserve, and I intend to deliver on this promise.