• Getting Started
  • Activities
  • Interests
  • Careers
  • Results

Getting Started

  • 1 What do you like to do? People usually excel when they’re doing what they enjoy most. So tell us the kind of activities you enjoy, and we’ll start uncovering some of your hidden talents.
  • 2 What intrigues you the most? Would you like to train animals? Invest money? Provide aid at a disaster area? This section helps narrow down the types of areas that interest you.
  • 3 What do you see yourself doing? If you can picture yourself in a career, you’re more likely to do it well. This section dives into possible career fields you may like.
  • 4 A blueprint of you... Your results may not only uncover skills and talents you didn’t know you had. They may also point you toward a career you never even considered.

Begin your Life Ops test