ESGR in the News


ESGR Commemorates 40 Years Supporting Guardsmen, Reservists, Employers

  • ESGR Commemorates 40 Years Supporting Guardsmen, Reservists, Employers

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), a Department of Defense agency dedicated to supporting Guard and Reserve Service members and their employers, commemorates its 40th anniversary with a ceremony on Friday, June 22 in the Pentagon’s Airmen’s Hall. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, the Honorable Jessica L. Wright, and ESGR National Chair James G. Rebholz will speak about the continuing importance of the Reserve Component, the critical role played by America’s employers in our nation’s security, and the assistance provided by ESGR.

In 1972, anticipating the end of both the Vietnam War and the draft, the Department of Defense established ESGR to foster a culture of respect, cooperation and understanding between Guardsmen, Reservists, and their employers. Today, the agency's work is more important than ever as employers share their military employees with our country during its longest period of continuous combat operations and a series of historic natural disasters. The United States could not meet its national security demands without its Guard and Reserve members, who in turn rely on the support of their employers.

Photo:  (L to R) ESGR National Chair James Rebholz, 39 year ESGR volunteer Erwin A. Burtnick, and Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs Secretary Jessica L. Wright cut the ESGR 40th anniversary cake at a ceremony on June 22nd, 2012.

About Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR):
Established as a DoD agency 40 years ago, ESGR develops and maintains employer support for Guard and Reserve service. ESGR advocates relevant initiatives, recognizes outstanding support, increases awareness of applicable laws, and resolves conflict between service members and employers. Paramount to ESGR's mission is encouraging employment of Guardsmen and Reservists who bring integrity, global perspective and proven leadership to the civilian workforce.