Press Release

Contact: melissa subbotin 202-225-0453

Bishop, Utah Take Steps to Restore Limits on Washington

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Mar 23, 2010 - Following the President’s signing of the Democrat takeover of healthcare H.R. 3590, many states including Utah plan to file a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of federally mandated health insurance.  In an effort to provide states and the people a greater voice here in Washington, on this issue and many others, Congressman Bishop (Ut-01) along with nine other Members of Congress are forming the 10th Amendment Task Force.  The primary focus of the 10th Amendment Task Force is to push for the systemic reform of government by dispersing power from Washington to states, local governments and families.    

“Passage of this freedom-robbing legislation is further evidence that we must reinforce the principles provided in the 10th Amendment.  Our Founding Fathers foresaw this exact type of abuse of power, which is why they added such safeguards as the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  Unfortunately, over the years power-hungry federal bureaucrats and lawmakers have chipped away at the Constitution and state sovereignty, allowing rampant federal government intrusion into the lives of all Americans, as seen in the new government control of our personal healthcare.  The enactment of this legislation may be a victory for Democrats, but it is a defeat for the liberty of all Americans,”
said Congressman Bishop.

The 10th Amendment Task Force will seek to:

  • Restore federalism as a core governing principle
  • Empower states to resume the power and authority afforded them in the protection of people’s God-given right to life, liberty, and property
  • Inform the public about federalist principles and to provide Members of Congress with model legislation and action items

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