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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
2008 National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports

National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports, 2008

Measure Specifications

Quality of Health Care

Effectiveness of Care: Cancer
Effectiveness of Care: Diabetes
Effectiveness of Care: End Stage Renal Disease
Effectiveness of Care: Heart Disease
Effectiveness of Care: HIV/AIDS
Effectiveness of Care: Maternal and Child Health
Effectiveness of Care: Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Effectiveness of Care: Respiratory Diseases
Effectiveness of Care: Nursing Home, Home Health, and Hospice Care
Patient Safety
Patient Centeredness

Access to Care

Access to Care: Facilitators and Barriers to Health Care
Access to Care: Health Care Utilization

Priority Populations

Priority Populations: Racial and Ethnic Minorities
Priority Populations: Low-Income Groups
Priority Populations: Women
Priority Populations: Children
Priority Populations: Older Adults
Priority Populations: Rural Areas
Priority Populations: Individuals With Special Health Care Needs


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care