Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2008

List of Core Measures, Data Sources, and Availability for Select Groups

Measure Data source Black Hispanic Asian or API AI/AN Poor
Adults age 50 and over who received
a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, proctoscopy,
or fecal occult blood test
NHIS Check mark   Check mark Check mark Check mark
Colorectal cancer diagnosed at advanced
stage per 100,000 population age 50 and over
SEER Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Colorectal cancer deaths per 100,000
population per year
NVSS-M Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Adults age 40 and over with diabetes
who received all three exams in the calendar
year: hemoglobin A1c measurement,
dialated eye examination, and foot
MEPS Check mark Check mark     Check mark
Hospital admissions for lower extremity
amputations per 1,000 population age 18
and over with diabetes
NHDS Check mark Check mark     Check mark
Dialysis patients registered on a
waiting list for transplantation
USRDS Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Hemodialysis patients with
adequate dialysis
Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Adult smokers who received advice to quit
MEPS Check mark Check mark     Check mark
Adults with obesity who received
advice to exercise more
MEPS Check mark Check mark     Check mark
Hospital care for heart attack patients QIO Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Hospital care for heart failure patients QIO Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Deaths per 1,000 adult hospital admissions
with acute myocardial infarction
HCUP Check mark Check mark Check mark   Check mark
New AIDS cases per 100,000 population
ages 13 and over
Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Pregnant women who received prenatal
care in first trimester
NVSS-N Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Infant deaths per 1,000 live births,
birth weight <1,500 g
NVSS-I Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Children ages 19-35 months who received
all recommended vaccines
NIS Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
Children ages 2-17 for whom a health
provider gave advice about physical activity
MEPS Check mark Check mark Check mark   Check mark
Children ages 3-6 who had their vision
checked by a health provider
MEPS Check mark Check mark     Check mark
Suicide deaths per 100,000 population NVSS-M Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Adults with a major depressive episode
who received treatment for depression
NSDUH Check mark Check mark     Check mark
People age 12 and over who needed
treatment for illicit drug use and
who received such treatment at a
specialty facility
NSDUH Check mark Check mark     Check mark
People treated for substance abuse
who completed treatment course
TEDS Check mark Check mark      
Adults age 65 and over who ever received
pneumococcal vaccination
NHIS Check mark Check mark Check mark   Check mark
Hospital care for pneumonia patients QIO Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Visits with antibiotics prescribed for
a diagnosis of common cold per
10,000 population
Patients with tuberculosis who
completed a curative course of treatment
within 1 year of initiation of treatment
Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Long-stay nursing home residents with
physical restraints
MDS Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
High-risk, long-stay nursing home
residents with pressure sores
MDS Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Short-stay nursing home residents
with pressure sores
MDS Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Adult home health care patients whose
ability to walk or move around improved
OASIS Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Adult home health care patients who were
admitted to the hospital
OASIS Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Adult surgery patients with postoperative
pneumonia or venous thromboembolic event
MPSMS Check mark        
Adult surgery patients who received
appropriate timing of antibiotics
QIO Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark  
Bloodstream infections or mechanical
adverse events per 1,000 central venous
catheter placements
MPSMS Check mark        
Deaths per 1,000 discharges potentially
resulting from complications of care
HCUP Check mark Check mark Check mark   Check mark
Adults age 65 and over who received
potentially inappropriate prescription
MEPS Check mark Check mark Check mark   Check mark
Adults who can sometimes or never get
care for illness or injury as soon as wanted
MEPS Check mark Check mark Check mark   Check mark
Emergency department visits in which
patients left without being seen
NHAMCS Check mark   Check mark    
Adults whose health providers sometimes
or never listened carefully, explained things
clearly, respected what they had to say,
and spent enough time with them
MEPS Check mark Check mark Check mark   Check mark
Children whose health providers
sometimes or never listen carefully,
explain things, clearly respected what
they or their parents had to say and spent
enough time with them
MEPS Check mark Check mark     Check mark
People under age 65 with health insurance NHIS Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
People under age 65 who were
uninsured all year
MEPS Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
People with a specific source of ongoing
NHIS Check mark Check mark Check mark   Check mark
People with a usual primary
care provider
MEPS Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark Check mark
People without a usual source of care due
to a financial or insurance reason for not
having a source of care
MEPS Check mark Check mark Check mark   Check mark
People unable to get or delayed in receiving
needed medical care, dental care, or
prescription medication due to
financial or insurance reasons
MEPS Check mark Check mark     Check mark

Check mark Indicates that reliable data on measure are available for this group and included in summary across measures of quality and access for this group

Key: API=Asian or Pacific Islander; AI/AN=American Indian or Alaska Native; Poor=individuals with household incomes <100% of Federal poverty thresholds.

Key to Data Sources:
CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
ESRD CPMP = End Stage Renal Disease Clinical Performance Measures Project
HCUP = Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
MDS = Medicare Minimum Data Set
MEPS = Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
MPSMS = Medicare Patient Safety Monitoring System
NAMCS = National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
NHAMCS = National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
NHDS = National Hospital Discharge Survey
NHIS = National Health Interview Survey
NIS = National Immunization Survey
NSDUH = National Survey on Drug Use and Health
NVSS-I = National Vital Statistics System, Linked BirthInfant Death
NVSS-M = National Vital Statistics System, Mortality
NVSS-N = National Vital Statistics System, Natality
OASIS = Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Outcome and Assessment Information Set
QIO = Quality Improvement Organization Program
SEER = Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program
TEDS = Treatment Episode Data Set
USRDS = United States Renal Data System


AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care