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FEMA Floodplain Map Issues

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is in the process of revising floodplain maps across the United States.  Since 1973, federal regulations have required flood insurance on all structures located in the 1% annual chance floodplain (100-year floodplain).

Some property owners who were previously not identified as living in a floodplain will now be required to carry flood insurance.  Since home owners insurance does not include damage due to flooding, it must be purchased through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

If your property has recently been identified as within a floodplain, and you believe this was done so in error, you must apply with FEMA for a letter of map amendment (LOMA).  More information is available by calling FEMA's toll-free help line at 1-877-336-2627 or by visiting the FEMA website.

I am very concerned about reported inaccuracies in these new maps, and that some property owners may be required to buy insurance -even though they do not face a real threat of flooding.  To that end, I have introduced H.R. 700, the Floodplain Maps Moratorium Act which immediately suspends the requirement to buy flood insurance until FEMA addresses their mapping methods.  In addition, in July 2011, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1309, the Flood Insurance Reform Act, to reauthorize the NFIP.  During the consideration of this bill, I successfully offered an amendment that will place a moratorium on new flood maps until a Technical Mapping Advisory Council conducts a thorough review of the current mapping procedures.

Signed into law in July 2012 as part of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) transportation bill, P.L. 112-141, the NFIP was reauthorized for five years and subject to program reforms which include the establishment of technical mapping advisory council to deal with map modernization issues.  While this law does not bring relief to individuals who have already been subjected to inaccurate maps, please know this is an issue that I will continue to closely monitor and advocate for reforming many of the burdensome regulations and requirements passed onto property owners.

Proposed Postal Service Office Closures
In July 2011, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) announced it would consider the closure of 3,652 retail postal facilities nationwide.  Instead USPS seeks to implement cost-saving measures by modifying post office hours of operation to reflect foot traffic.  USPS intends to review approximately 13,000 Post Offices around the country and will seek input from communities in the coming months.

Having lived in a rural community for over 30 years, I understand the important role post offices play in rural communities.  In recent years, USPS has experienced significant financial challenges, and in the past year USPS has had a net loss of $6.5 billion.  In October 2011, the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform approved H.R.2309, the Postal Reform Act, which aims to upgrade the Postal Service through reforms that would save the United States Postal Service $10.7 billion per year. Later in April 2012, the Senate passed S.1789, the 21st Century Postal Service Act, which grants USPS $11 billion for retirement incentives, prevents the postal service from ending Saturday mail delivery for at least two years, and creates an appeal process for post offices facing closure. I look forward to working with both my colleagues in the House and Senate in resolving these different legislative approaches and supporting postal reform that ensures a solvent postal system and avoids a taxpayer bailout.

Enbridge Oil Spill
On July 26, 2010, a leak was discovered in the 6B pipeline owned by Enbridge Energy Partners LLP.  The pipeline was immediately shut down, but not before the rupture resulted in oil entering the Talmadge Creek, which eventually flowed into the Kalamazoo River.  Since this incident, federal and local stakeholders have worked tirelessly to minimize the environmental impact of this spill, and I will continue to monitor this incident until remediation efforts are complete.

You can continue to monitor the progress of the cleanup by visiting

Also, in December 2011, the House passed H.R. 2845, the Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job Creation Act, which was signed into law in January 2012. The legislation reauthorizes federal pipeline safety programs through fiscal year 2015. H.R. 2845 is aimed at enhancing pipeline transportation safety as well as reliability in the transportation of energy products throughout the nation.


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02/14/2011 - Sponsored Legislation: H.R. 700, Floodplain Maps Moratorium Act