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Posted 9/27/2007 Printable Fact Sheet
Delta Dart
Convair F-106A-100-CO Delta Dart S/N 58-0774
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Convair F-106A-100-CO Delta Dart
S/N 58-0774

Crew:   One
Engine:   One Pratt & Whitney J75-P-17 turbojet; 24,500 lbs thrust w/ afterburner
Wingspan:   38 ft 4 in
Length:   70 ft 9 in
Height:   20 ft 4 in
Weight:   empty: 24,861 lbs; max: 41,831 lbs
Speed:   max: 1,525 mph; cruise: 650 mph
Range:   1,500 miles
Service Ceiling:   53,000 ft
Armament:   One AIR-2A Genie rocket and four AIM-4 Falcon missiles
Cost:   $3,305,435

This F-106A-100-CO, S/N 58-0774, was manufactured by Convair in San Diego, California, in September 1959 and delivered to the U.S. Air Force. It was the 133rd F-106 produced. On September 28, 1959 the aircraft was assigned to the 456th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron of Air Defense Command (ADC), stationed at Castle AFB, California. 

In February 1961 it was transferred to the 71st FIS of the 1st Fighter Wing (ADC) at Selfridge AFB, Michigan. It was transferred in January 1967 to the 328th Fighter Wing (ADC) at Richards-Gebaur AFB, Missouri. Then, in June 1968, it went to the 71st FIS (ADC) at Malmstrom AFB, Montana.

The aircraft was flown to Osan AB, Korea, in November 1968. In April 1969 it was transferred to the 94th FIS (ADC) at Osan. It was sent back to Selfridge AFB and to Wurtsmith AFB, Michigan, in November and December of that year. In July 1971 it was assigned to the 2nd FIS (ADC) at Wurtsmith AFB.

This aircraft was transferred to the Air National Guard (ANG) in March 1973. It was assigned to the 191st Fighter-Interceptor Group at Selfridge AFB. In May 1974 it went to the 144th FIG (ANG) at Fresno Air Terminal in California. (It was the first F-106 to arrive at that station.) While with that organization it was deployed to Jacksonville, Florida.

The aircraft was retired to the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center (AMARC) at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, on January 19, 1984. Beginning in May 1991 it was converted to QF-106 target drone configuration by AEL, Inc., in East Alton, Illinois. That October the plane was flown to Tyndall AFB, Florida, and became drone AD146. It was never shot down and was consequently returned to AMARC in March 1998 as one of the last six flying Delta Darts. It was acquired by Hill Aerospace Museum in March 2002 and restored by the Combat Logistics Support Squadron of the 419th Fighter Wing at Hill for static exhibit at the museum.

Financial assistance for the repainting of this F-106 was provided by former members of the 456th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron. The aircraft is painted to closely resemble its appearance while flying with them. Hill Aerospace Museum and the Aerospace Heritage Foundation of Utah deeply appreciate the support and encouragement of the members of the 456th FIS during this project.

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