Go to college on a Navy scholarship – then serve full-time as a Navy Officer NROTC

Get up to $180,000 for college and have a leadership position waiting upon graduation.

There are scholarships (leading to employment opportunities) available through the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC).

Industry: Military, Health Care, Nurse, Nursing, Surface Warfare, Aviator, Pilot, Flight, Submarine, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Special Warfare

Type of Service: Full-time

Type of Position: Officer (upon college graduation)

About this Scholarship: The Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) scholarship provides money for school and a career as a Navy Officer once that schooling is complete. As a student, get:

  • Up to $180,000 for tuition at any one of more than 160 top colleges and universities
  • Funding for textbooks, lab fees and even spending money

Besides time to focus on academic performance and get the most from college life, enjoy the opportunity to gain valuable leadership experience by:

  • Taking a Naval Science course each semester
  • Participating in Navy drills at least once a week
  • Wearing your Navy uniform (provided at no cost to you) once a week
  • Participating in community service projects

NROTC students also have the chance to spend a portion of their summers shadowing Navy Officers in the field, in a variety of capacities, including:

  • Nuclear Power – assigned to nuclear submarine or nuclear surface vessels
  • Afloat Aviation – assigned to train aboard a carrier, including flight time if feasible
  • Ashore Aviation – assigned to train with a Navy aviation squadron, including flight time if feasible
  • Foreign Exchange – assigned to train with navies of other countries
  • Medicine – assigned to train at a hospital or a hospital afloat

About this Job: Upon graduation, NROTC students have a job waiting. Work with top professionals from around the country. And look forward to world travel, immediate leadership responsibilities and hands-on training in any one of several impressive career paths, including:

Key Opportunities: NROTC students have a variety of advantages over civilian peers, including:

  • Freedom to concentrate on college studies/nursing school
  • The ability not to have to work through school
  • A choice of top colleges and universities
  • The prospect of moving directly from college to a skilled profession

And as a Navy Officer:

  • Pursue opportunities not readily available in the civilian world
  • Work in exciting locations across the U.S. or around the globe
  • Receive paid training and access to Navy-funded continuing education
  • Distinguish yourself with pride and respect as a Navy Officer

Qualifications and Requirements: Besides a willingness to bear arms to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, candidates must satisfy specific criteria to be eligible for NROTC consideration:

  • U.S. citizenship: Required
  • Gender: Male or female
  • Education: high school graduation or equivalency certificate
  • Age: 17 to 23 at enrollment; under age 27 by graduation/commission
  • Physical exam: Required
  • College credit upon application: No more than 30 semester/45 quarter hours
  • Service commitment: Minimum of five years (four years for nurses)

Learn more about the NROTC program in America's Navy – including details on current offers, available careers and the application process.