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Congresswoman Bono Mack speaks in opposition to the House Majority's plan to establish government-run health care
Nov 7, 2009  - Bono Mack emphasizes that a government takeover of health care is not the answer to improving our nation's health care system. Watch

Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack Discusses U.S. Anti-Drug Policy
Oct 16, 2009  - Calling attention to the ongoing problem of substance abuse and addiction in the United States, Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack testified in a House subcommittee hearing on the affect of the drug trade on Americas youth and on the need to update and improve the U.S. approach to reducing both the supply... Watch

Congressional Hearing on Bono Mack's Informed P2P User Act
May 6, 2009  - Bono Mack Calls for Action to Protect Computer Users’ Personal Information on P2P Networks Watch

Congresswoman Bono Mack speaks at a hearing on "Communications Networks and Consumer Privacy"
Apr 23, 2009  - At the hearing, Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack emphasizes the importance of protecting consumers' personal information on the Web. Bono Mack has a long history of working to protect consumers online, from her anti-spyware legislation to her Informed P2P User Act. Watch

Congresswoman Bono Mack asks questions about climate change legislation
Apr 23, 2009  - Congresswoman Bono Mack asks questions to panelists at the hearing on climate change, including the EPA Administrator, Secretary LaHood and Secretary Chu. Watch

Bono Mack speaks to over 2,000 drug addiction prevention experts and advocates at the Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America's annual Leadership Forum (Part 1)
Mar 3, 2009  - Bono Mack speaks to over 2,000 drug addiction prevention experts and advocates at the Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America's annual Leadership Forum (Part 1) Watch

Congresswoman Bono Mack speaks at CADCA Conference (Part 2)
Mar 3, 2009  - Bono Mack speaks to over 2,000 drug addiction prevention experts and advocates at the Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America's annual Leadership Forum (Part 1) Watch

Congresswoman Bono Mack discusses her efforts to prevent substance abuse and addiction
Mar 2, 2009  - Congresswoman Bono Mack discusses her efforts to prevent substance abuse and addiction Watch

Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack speaks at the Foreclosure Prevention Workshop in Moreno Valley, CA
Mar 1, 2009  - Noting that California's 45th District is among the hardest hit by the foreclosure crisis, Congresswoman Bono Mack addresses local homeowners at a foreclosure prevention workshop. Watch

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