Press Releases

House Approves Fiscal Year 2013 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill
Legislation will continue and strengthen America’s homeland security efforts while trimming excess spending

Washington, Jun 7 -

The House today approved the fiscal year 2013 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Appropriations bill by a vote of 234-182. The legislation strengthens America’s homeland security efforts while at the same time reducing government spending. The bill provides $39.1 billion in discretionary funding for DHS, a decrease of $484 million below last year’s level and a decrease of $393 million below the President’s request.

“This legislation is proof that we can do more with less – it represents a reduction in spending coupled with reforms to encourage efficiency and sustainability that will help get us on a stronger fiscal path. But we must remember that our freedom isn’t free, and we cannot skimp on our national security if we want to stay vigilant and – most importantly – safe. This bill keeps these priorities in mind, and puts security first, encourages strong fiscal discipline, mandates robust oversight, and boosts programs that support American jobs, innovation, and preparedness,” House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers said.

“This bill passed today addresses our Nation’s two most urgent needs – security and fiscal discipline,” said Homeland Security Subcommittee Chairman Robert Aderholt. “H.R. 5855 strengthens our Nation’s homeland security efforts by fully supporting frontline operations, immigration enforcement, and disaster relief, and by providing key investments in cybersecurity, preparedness grants, and research programs that promote job growth and innovation. The passage of this bill also marks another important step in getting the federal government’s fiscal house in order by reducing discretionary spending by $484 million below the current fiscal year and $394 million below the President's request. I hope my colleagues in the Senate will take swift action by passing their version of the bill so that we can work through the conference committee process and enact this bill into law," Homeland Security Subcommittee Chairman Robert Aderholt said.

For a list of amendments adopted by the House, please visit:

For the text of the bill, please visit:

For the bill report, please visit:

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