The People Speak Out

"Dear Congressman Gosar,
Thank you for the reports on your activiites in Washington. I was particularly impressed with your questioning of the report on Fast and Furious. Keep up the good work sir."

-A constituent from Flagstaff

On Power plants
"Thank you so much for all that you are doing to keep our jobs in Az. You are very much appreciated. Thank you for putting forth the ammendments to stop the war on coal act to save our power plants. Iam praying for you God bless you and give you wisdom and strength."

-A constituent from St. Johns

Job Performance
"Dr. Gosar, I just wanted to tell you that I believe that you are doing a phenomenal job representing us in Congress! I think you did a very thorough interview of the Inspector General as well. You are performing so much better than Ann Kirkpatrick ever hoped to.  I still think that AG Holder knew more about Fasy & Furious than the report states and that his staff is being held as the scape goats for his incompetence. Thank you for supporting the "No Confidence" vote regarding Holder!"

-A constituent from Dewey

“This is not an issue of concern. I just want to thank you for your emails concerning issues of interest to everyone. Although I am a registered Democrat, I hope you will continue with the updates. You deliver your comments so well and I appreciate what you have to say.”

-A constituent from Prescott

"Thanks. Just wanted to say keep up the great work. I love getting your emails so I feel like I am informed on the work you are doing. I am grateful someone is trying to help Arizona, our economy, and our constitution."

A constituent from Snowflake

"Hi Dr. Gosar,
I would like to thank you once again for hosting the job fair in Prescott. It was nice meeting you briefly (I was the tall guy with the pony tail). Anyway, I had told you I had been out of work for 3 years. I just received an email from Coconino County's IT department responding to a position they have open. I'm really hoping to get it. Anyway, thanks for caring about us struggling unemployed people. I would still vote for you for president.”

-A constituent from Cottonwood

“Hello Congressman Gosar,Thank you for sending me your updates. I keep hearing good things about your work and have seen you on CSPAN during Congressional hearings several times. I think you are doing a great job and just wanted to take the time to let you know. Keep up the good work! I am proud to be able to say I knew you before you became a political rock star :)”

-A constituent from Flagstaff

“Your recent votes on Roll calls 311, 315 and 317 I noted with interest that you voted to end corporate welfare in each of the three votes noted in the subject line. I just wanted to write and say, keep up the good work! It is extremely unfortunate that other Republicans in a Republican controlled house can't vote the same way that they talk. All we hear is "let private enterprise work. Get the government out of the way. Reduce taxes." Don't these guys realize that if these corporate welfare programs were gone, we could immediately justify cutting taxes because we wouldn't have to fund these wastes of money? I am beginning to understand more clearly now what the RINO label means.”

-A constituent from Payson

“I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud of you. Keep up the great work. Thanks for caring.”

-A constituent from Prescott Valley

"Dear Representative Gosar,
During the recent fires up here in Crown King I called your office to get help with getting water to fight the fire. Your office help jumped in to help in any way they could. I'm writing to Thank you. Also I'm so happy to hear you are willing to take on the forest service to thin the forest. God has blessed our community and saved our homes again and Blessed the firefighters who worked so hard to save our homes. We love this small town of Crown King and thank you for all you do also. I'm always happy to take part in your phone town halls and hope to continue to be called whenever you hold one. God Bless you for your service to us and our communities."

-A constituent from Crown King

Just wanted to say keep up the great work. I love getting your emails so I feel like I am informed on the work you are doing. I am grateful someone is trying to help Arizona, our economy, and our constitution."

-A constituent from Snowflake, 

"On behalf of my wife and myself, I'd like to send our thanks for your tireless efforts in Washington. We read every update you e-mail us. Your written responses to our concerns and requests are always timely (actually, super fast!) and carefully thought out. You are highly responsive! Your impeccable commitment on behalf of the concerns of your constituents, conservative American values, and our Constitution continues to inspire us. "
-A constituent from Chino Valley