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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

New AHCPR Policy on Limiting Discussion of Noncompetitive Applications ("Triage")

NIH Guide, Volume 26, Number 28, August 22, 1997

Notice: P.T. 34


Health Services Delivery
Grants Administration/Policy
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research

Beginning with the October 1997 receipt date, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) will employ a streamlined procedure at study section meetings and at special emphasis panel meetings in which discussion of "noncompetitive" applications is curtailed. The policy is consistent with the NIH policy on triage for noncompetitive applications announced in the NIH Guide, Volume 23, Number 34, September 23, 1994, which was implemented with the October 1994 application receipt date.

Many of the applications discussed at study section and special emphasis panel review meetings have no chance of being scored in the fundable range, even with modifications. AHCPR believes that using a triage approach will help streamline the review process. Review committees will triage grant applications, generally designating approximately half of the applications as noncompetitive for support. Designation as noncompetitive requires unanimous agreement of the review committee. For this purpose, noncompetitive means that the application is judged to be in the lower half, qualitatively, of the research project grant applications reviewed by the committee. Applications determined to be noncompetitive will not receive a full discussion at the study section meeting and will not receive a priority score.

The summary statement for an application determined to be noncompetitive will consist of the customary administrative information and the reviewers' critiques, verbatim. The summary statement for an application that receives full discussion and a score will include, in addition to the reviewers' critiques and the administrative information, a "Resume and Summary of Discussion" section which synopsizes the review committee's discussion of the application.


For additional information about AHCPR's new triage process for limiting discussion of noncompetitive applications at study section and special emphasis panel meetings, contact Dr. Debbie Rothstein, Office of Scientific Affairs, AHCPR, at (301) 427-1525.

Current as of November 1998
AHCPR Publication No. 97-R092

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Internet Citation:

New AHCPR Policy on Limiting Discussion of Noncompetitive Applications ("Triage"). AHCPR Publication No. 97-R092, November 1998. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Rockville, MD.


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