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News > Air Guard top enlisted Airman addresses force
ANG Command Chief Master Sgt. Christopher Muncy
Air National Guard Command Chief Master Sgt. Christopher Muncy holds up a copy of the Air Force's "Enlisted Force Structure Handbook," while addressing attendees at the Air National Guard's Senior Leadership Conference Nov. 18, 2010, in Washington, D.C. Chief Muncy stressed the importance of using the handbook to develop junior Airmen into NCOs and leaders. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jon Soucy)
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Air Guard top enlisted Airman addresses force

Posted 11/22/2010 Email story   Print story


by Army Sgt. 1st Class Jon Soucy
National Guard Bureau

11/22/2010 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The training and experience level of the Air National Guard's enlisted force has expanded during the past decade and, as a result it, has made considerable contributions to both the overseas and domestic missions, said the Air Guard's top enlisted leader Nov. 18.

"In the E-1 to E-4 category, first-term Airmen, their main priority is to maintain the highest level of personal readiness to meet mission requirements," Air National Guard Command Chief Master Sgt. Christopher Muncy told attendees at the 2010 Air National Guard Senior Leadership Conference. "Your E-5s and E-6s epitomize that, and if you're a senior NCO, you're the poster child for it. You lead by example."

Much of that training and experience, especially for junior Airmen, has come from changes made to the formal military education system, Chief Muncy said. It starts with basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, which is an eight-week course that is now is much more tactically and operationally focused.

"If you've got an (operational readiness inspection) or an (operational readiness exercise) coming up right now and you need perimeter security or someone in your tactical operations center, you grab the youngest Airmen that just got back from Basic Military Training," Chief Muncy said. "They know it. They've drilled it. They've run it, and they've got it."

In addition to learning tactical operation techniques, basic training is where Airmen are introduced to the "Wingman" concept, which is designed to foster support and build resiliency among Airmen.

Chief Muncy cautioned leaders not to let those skills fade once Airmen come back from training.

"They are fit to fight," he said. "Don't let them lose that when they come home."

Part of sustaining that sense of purpose can be accomplished simply by understanding and following the "Enlisted Force Structure Handbook."

"(It's) the foundation to your enlisted force," Chief Muncy said. "It is foundational not just to those of you with stripes, but to the officers appointed over (you). Know this book. It's pretty thin, pretty easy to read. It will fit in an ABU pocket. It will fit in a flight suit pocket and it will fit in a blues pocket. Highlight it. Color in it. Learn your Airmen and work with them (using this book)."

Muncy said follow-on training and education is equally as important for Airmen.

"We have got to prepare the right team and give them the right tools to keep doing the mission," he said. "We've discussed the requirements that the United States Air Force has had forever of at least an associate's degree for E-8s and E-9s. We've pushed it off a long time and it's time to talk about it."

The key to ensuring that Airmen are prepared for the fitness test comes down to sound leadership, especially at the NCO level.

"Leadership will drive and help this fitness machine work," Chief Muncy said. "Not a change to the (fitness) program, but leadership and talking with your Airmen."

Chief Muncy said the promotion system, as well as requirements for enlisted performance evaluations, is currently being reviewed to better streamline the requirements, process and the system.

As that system is reviewed, leaders should continue to focus on mentoring junior Airmen and building resiliency among them, especially non-aircrew personnel.

Chief Muncy said the vast majority of deployers are not air crew, but engineering and combat support Airmen.

"They are also the primary Airmen that your adjutants general call on during emergencies," he said. "These are absolutely amazing individuals."

5/26/2011 7:12:45 AM ET
The training and experience level of the Air National Guard's enlisted force has expanded during the past decade, yet many of us will be losing rank due to an enlisted restructure. Am I missing something?
Aaron, Michigan
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