Aug 30, 2012 Issues: Fishing


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following a July 27th request from Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3), this week the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) agreed to implement changes to improve transparency in their operating procedures.  The improvements include an agreement to broadcast the Commission’s quarterly meetings live over the internet starting in February 2013, as well as a commitment to increase the use of roll call votes during ASMFC deliberations. 

When Jones requested these changes last month, he pointed out that while regulatory agencies across the country routinely broadcast their meetings over the Internet, the ASMFC currently does not.  He also pointed out that while it is standard practice for public institutions ranging from local school boards to the U.S. Congress to release roll call votes, the Commission’s record on roll call voting left much to be desired.   

“Government decision making should be open and transparent,” stated Congressman Jones.  “ASMFC has conducted its business in a way that unfortunately falls short of that principle.  On behalf of the Eastern North Carolina fishermen I am privileged to represent, I am pleased to see the AMFC adopt some of the common sense reforms that I proposed.” 

“In this day and age it doesn’t make sense not to broadcast meetings over the Internet, or not to take roll call votes on important matters,” continued Congressman Jones.  “Fishermen regulated by the Commission, as well as the general public who pays the Commission’s bills, have a right to be able to keep easy tabs on what’s going on.”  
