
Beer Industry

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Beer Labeling

  • Alcohol Labeling Fact Methods – TTB periodically reviews labeling and advertising claims by taking samples of alcohol beverage products for validation purposes.  This web page provides details on this process
  • Allowable Changes to Approved Labels –  You can make certain changes to your labels without obtaining a new COLA. If you are considering making changes to previously approved labels, please review the complete list of allowable revisions—you may not need to send us the revised labels at all!
  • COLAs OnlineCOLAs Online is an Internet based system that allows registered Industry Members to complete the label certification and approval process online.
  • COLAs Online eNews – Quarterly electronic newsletter designed with the users of our Web-based label approval system in mind.  Each issue provides useful and timely information that helps registered users understand and use COLAs Online to their best advantage.
  • Labeling Approval – Regulatory guidance, forms, and links for steps to gaining label approval.
  • Labeling Beers Subject to FDA JurisdictionTTB Ruling 2008–3 held that certain beers do not meet the definition of “malt beverage” under the FAA Act.  Such beers, therefore, fall under the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) labeling jurisdiction.  The FDA recently announced in the Federal Register the availability of a draft industry guidance document for the labeling of beers subject to FDA jurisdiction. 
  • Labels with Organic Claims – Details on the standards for the production, handling, processing, labeling, and marketing of products labeled with organic claims.
  • Malt Beverage Labels - TTB brochure providing explanations of the what information must be provided to the public on a malt beverage label.
  • MOU Between TTB and the Agricultural Marketing Service – Agreement on the coordination of organic labeling and advertising.
  • Personalized Labels - TTB provides the beverage alcohol industry with clear guidance on our long standing policies as it relates to personalized labeling.
  • Pre-COLA Evaluation – For many alcohol beverage products, TTB requires a product evaluation to determine whether a proposed label identifies the product in an adequate and non-misleading way.  This web page provides details on this process.
  • Public COLA Registry Search – This internet application allows you to search for existing Certificate of label Approvals (COLAs).  This is the public module of the COLAs Online System that requires no username or password.  Per FOIA requirements, It contains details of Approved, Expired, Surrendered or Revoked COLAs for viewing by the general public.  A robust search function is available as well.