Science & Technology

US Defense Secretary Lean Panetta after a meeting of NATO Defense Ministers at NATO headquarters in Brussels, October 10, 2012.

Panetta Says US Boosting Cyber Defense

Retaliation could include launching cyber-offensive in what some analysts say is message directed at Iran More

Social Media Transforms Debate Viewership

Video Social Media Impacts Debate Viewership

Sites like Twitter and Facebook are steadily replacing traditional sources as the delivery method of choice for a generation of new voters More

This image shows where NASA's Curiosity rover aimed two different instruments to study a rock known as "Jake Matijevic." (NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)

Audio Unusual Mars Rock Surprises Rover Scientists

NASA scientists say football-sized rock has some surprisingly Earth-like qualities More

A mother holds her baby as she receives a new malaria vaccine at the Walter Reed Project Research Center in Kenya, October 30, 2009.

Mobile Phones Used to Track Malaria

Researchers at Harvard University's School of Public Health present findings More

A man walks near an advertisement of Lenovo computer at a shopping center in Hong Kong, Feb. 9, 2012.

Lenovo Inching Ahead of HP as World’s Largest PC Maker

Figures show company’s sales up 10 percent in third quarter, while Hewlett Packard's figures slumped More

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Congressional Warning on Chinese Telecoms Could Prompt Retaliation

Analysts say assessment probably won't spark trade war but could adversely affect US tech firms doing business in China

Video Wind Turbines Take Steep Toll on Birds, Bats

Wind energy developers in California and West Virginia are being sued by environmental groups

Study: Health Benefits of Weight-Loss Surgery Last Years

Those who had gastric bypass surgery also reduced their risks of heart attack and stroke

Space X Capsule Arrives at International Space Station

Astronauts used giant robotic arm to grab hold of Dragon capsule, delivering half ton of supplies in its first official shipment for NASA

Nobel Chemistry Prize Awarded to American Duo

Robert Lefkowitz, Brian Kobilka win for research on G-protein coupled receptors - part of cell affecting how pharmaceutical drugs are absorbed by the body

Astronaut and Cosmonaut to Spend Year in Orbit

No one has ever spent a year on space station in a single mission

Austrian Skydiver Postpones Supersonic Jump

Organizers of Felix Baumgartner's skydive cite gusty winds as they call off Tuesday's attempt above New Mexico desert

Warmer Oceans Could Mean Smaller Future Fish

Summers in Scandinavian Arctic are warmest they've been in nearly 2,000 years
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Video Wind Turbines Take Steep Toll On Birds And Bats

Wind power is key to efforts to produce clean, limitless energy and to slow global warming. It's one of the world's fastest-growing energy industries. But there is mounting evidence that expanding "wind farms" are taking a toll on airborne wildlife. Thousands of birds and bats are killed every year by collisions with the the wind towers and their giant blades. As VOA's Zulima Palacio reports, environmental activists are taking the wind energy industry to court to find a solution.