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Search Results: income
The search returned 422 matches:
Keyword: income
Figure/Table TitleTopic AreaSourceYear
1. Average net access price for full-time, full-year dependent students after grants and loans, by type of institution and family income: 1989–90, 1999–2000, and 2003–04
(View Table/Figure)
Postsecondary The Condition of Education 2007 2004
2. Rural and Low-Income Schools Program: 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary 2005
3. Event dropout rates of 15- through 24-year-olds who dropped out of grades 10–12, by family income: October 1972–2001
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary The Condition of Education 2004 2001
4. Event dropout rates of 15- through 24-year-olds who dropped out of grades 10–12, by family income: October 1972 through October 2006
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States: 2006 2006
5. Percentage distribution of credential-seeking undergraduates, by control and level of institution, curriculum area, and family income: 2003-04
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES) 2004
6. Median income (in constant 2003 dollars) of households, by race/ethnicity: 1989 to 2003
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives 2003
7. Percentage distribution of credential-seeking undergraduates, by family income and parent's highest level of education, curriculum area, credential goal, and career field of study: 2003-04
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES) 2004
8. Percentage of high school completers who were enrolled in college the October immediately following high school completion, by family income and race/ethnicity: 1972–2005
(View Table/Figure)
Postsecondary The Condition of Education 2007 2005
9. Gross domestic product, state and local expenditures, personal income, disposable personal income, median family income, and population: Selected years, 1929 through 2006
(View Table/Figure)
References/Other Digest of Education Statistics 2006
10. Event dropout rates of 15– through 24–year–olds who dropped out of grades 10–12, by family income: October 1972 through October 2005
(View Table/Figure)
Elementary/Secondary Dropout Rates in the United States: 2005 2005
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