
Lamborn Statement on Unemployment Numbers

Today, Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) issued the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported unemployment at 10 percent, with the economy still losing jobs. 

“Though the percentages have changed throughout the months, the question remains the same: where are the jobs? Despite numerous ‘stimulus’ bills and big government spending by the Obama Administration, more than 3 million jobs have been shed from the U.S. economy. Not only have the American people endured this crippling job loss, but this promise that the stimulus would create jobs ‘immediately’ and unemployment would not rise above 8 percent has been broken. With a 59 percent increase in the national debt since Democrats took control of Congress less than three years ago, real action is needed.

“I support true economic recovery that starts with tax relief for working families and small businesses. That is why yesterday I voted against a permanent Death Tax and will continue to vote against any proposed tax increase that comes before Congress. Finally, Washington must rein in out-of-control spending and bring fiscal discipline back to the Halls of Congress. These choices will bring about the economic recovery the American people desperately need.”—Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
