
Lamborn Fights Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-O5) participated in a news conference today with a broad coalition of pro-life advocates and lawmakers to ask pro-abortion Democrats why they refuse to eliminate abortion funding from health care legislation despite the opposition of 67 percent of Americans.

The political advocacy group, Focus on the Family Action, hosted the event to help give a voice to the tens of millions of Americans who oppose publicly funded abortion.

“As hardworking taxpayers struggle to pay their bills in the worst economy of the last quarter century, it is outrageous that they should now also be forced to pay for abortions under proposed health care reform.

“A recent poll by the Pew Research Center shows that support for abortion is on the decline in this country. The extreme pro-choice agenda is out of step with the views of the Americans people. As we work toward health care reform, we must create a plan that protects all human life and reflects the values of the American people.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)


Congressman Doug Lamborn fights to protect taxpayers from funding abortions in health care legislation. Focus on the Family Action hosted the Capitol Hill news conference.

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