
Lamborn Defeats Anti-PCMS Amendment in FY 2010 National Defense Authorization Act

Washington, Jun 16 -

Today, Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) led a successful effort in the House Armed Services Committee to defeat an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act aimed at blocking the Army’s efforts to expand the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site.


Congressman Silvestre Reyes (TX-16) offered an amendment that was intended to make it harder for the Army to acquire land for training purposes at Pinon Canyon. At the request of Congressman Lamborn, Representative Randy Forbes (VA-04) offered a substitute amendment to remove the portion of the Reyes amendment which was directed at blocking the expansion.   Ultimately, the committee agreed with Congressman Lamborn to eliminate the harmful portion of the Reyes amendment.


“This outcome is in the best interest of our troops. My goal is to help the Army get the appropriate training ground they need to better train the troops for war. 


“The portion of the Reyes amendment that did pass is already standard operating procedure for the Army. It simply calls for the Army to consider the availability and proximity of training spaces when deciding where to locate brigade combat teams.


“The supporters of Pinon Canyon expansion can look to this and know that Congress will seriously consider the Army’s well documented need for additional training land at Pinon Canyon. I thank Representative Forbes for his help with this important issue. I look forward to working with the Army and my colleagues in Congress to see the Army gets the necessary training land for our troops in a way that satisfies everyone involved.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)


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