
Congressman Lamborn Praised for Protecting Taxpayers



The American Conservative Union has once again recognized Congressman Doug Lamborn for scoring a 100% conservative rating on their 2008 evaluation of the voting record of U.S. Representatives and Senators. 

“In this time of economicturmoil and irresponsible government spending, I am proud to lead the fight in Washington to protect the taxpayer. The best way to restore consumer confidence, revive our economy, and create new jobs is to allow consumers to keep more of their hard earned money. This 100% ACU rating reflects my devotionto the free markets and individual liberty.” Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

The ratings are determined by the Congressman’s vote on 25 pieces of legislation that are chosen based on their reflection of conservative or liberal philosophy. The 25 pieces of legislation are selected from a wide variety of issues including taxes, wasteful government spending, cultural issues, defense, and foreign policy. 

For a 100% conservative rating, the Congressman must have always voted to protect the rights of the taxpayer against wasteful spending, recognize the necessity for a strong national defense, and fight to protect the life of all people, from birth to natural death. Mr. Lamborn is one of 31 Representatives to receive the rating and only one of six to have held a 100% rating for his entire service in the House. 

In 2008, for the first time since ACU’s founding, an absolute majority ofthe House of Representatives scored as liberal. Since it’s founding in 1954, the ACU’s ratings have been considered the most respected conservative assessment of the legislative branch. The ACU’s ratings have become ago-to-guide to determine whether an elected official’s philosophical rhetoric matches his or her record. 

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