Press Releases

Rep. Young Votes to Save Country From Collapse

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Washington D.C., Apr 15, 2011 -

Alaskan Congressman Don Young voted yes today on H.Con.Res.34, which establishes a budgetary framework for FY2012 and outlines appropriate budgetary levels for FY2013 through FY2021.   In addition to reducing spending to sustainable levels, and reducing the deficit, this legislation also reforms Medicare to ensure it continues to serve future generations.  

“This is not a budgetary mandate, but a budgetary guide that takes us off the path of destruction we’re currently on,” said Rep. Young.  “Our national debt stands at over $14 TRILLION and climbing! The way we’re going now, the economy is headed to collapse, and Medicare is going broke.  What we have done today is lay down a framework to dig us out of this deep hole; we owe at least that to our children and grandchildren.  America has been hit by some tough times these last few years, and what have American households done?  They have tightened budgets, clipped coupons, and lived within their means, in order to get back on track.  It’s about time Washington learned to do the same!  The American people have been sending a significant portion of their hard-earned dollars to the U.S. Treasury, and what did they get in return?  A nearly trillion dollar ‘stimulus’ and nothing to show for it.  That is NOT the answer and the people of this country deserve better than that.  This guide, while not perfect, is a good starting point to reining in the out-of-control spending, cutting costs, and getting us back on track.”

Key points of H.Con.Res 34:


  • Cuts spending by $6.2 trillion off the President’s FY2012 budget over 10 years.
  • By 2022, this budget reduces the deficit by $4.8 trillion off the President’s budget.
  • Eliminates roughly $800 billion in tax increases imposed by the President’s health care law and prevents the $1.6 trillion in tax increase called for in the President’s budget.



  • Right now, Medicare is unsustainable; it grows at 7% per year.  By 2020, Medicare will be broke.
  • Medicare recipients will choose a plan from a list of coverage options and the subsidized payments would go directly to the insurance provider instead of the beneficiary.
  • The amount of the payment contains a modified COLA adjustment.
  • If you are 55 and older your benefits are preserved.
  • If nothing is done, seniors will eventually have to pay for ALL health insurance on their own.
  • This plan converts Medicaid into a block grant, run by each individual state.
  • To note, currently finding a doctor that takes Medicare is near impossible for Alaska’s seniors.


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