
2nd Amendment

I am a strong proponent of Second Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution, so that law-abiding adults can exercise their Constitutional right to purchase and own firearms for the protection of their homes and families, collecting, target shooting, and hunting. In the 110th Congress (2007-2008), I received an "A+" grade from the National Rifle Association for my support of Second Amendment rights.


I have fought to make our streets safer by placing more police officers on the streets and increasing funding for law enforcement efforts. I have also supported legislation to provide more bulletproof vests to law enforcement officers, improve security at schools, track down online sex predators for prosecution, and reduce gang violence and crime among the nation’s youth.


As a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittees on Defense and Military Construction-VA, as well as the Co-Chair of the Military Family Caucus, I proudly support the men and women of United States armed forces who sacrifice to keep the nation safe and secure. I firmly believe that national security and defense of the homeland can and must be done consistently with the Constitution and values of the United States. I have worked to ensure that the nation’s military men and women have the best weapons, equipment, materials, and family support to successfully accomplish their mission.


I have worked tirelessly to make our nation’s schools and universities accessible and affordable. Recently, I supported legislation to reform the federal student loan program, lower interest rates, increase Pell Grants for needy students, enhance educational opportunities for veterans, and encourage colleges to rein in tuition increases. I also voted in favor of legislation to expand volunteering opportunities to 250,000 Americans, reinvigorate early education initiatives, and promote healthy school lunches.


I have long been a supporter of increased energy exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to reduce gasoline prices and reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources. I also worked to promote the production and use of biofuels, provide tax incentives for renewable energy, and support the creation of hundreds of thousands of green jobs.

Family Values

I support the pro-family values of the Second Congressional District through my votes in favor of a constitutional amendment allowing school prayer and outlawing same-sex marriage. I have also voted to ensure that federal funds will not be used to fund abortions as part of health care reform (Stupak Amendment).

Fiscal Discipline

I am a member of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition and have been a supporter of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution. I also sponsored the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2009, which requires Congress to find savings to balance out the dollars it spends, so that all new policies that reduce revenues or expand entitlement spending are fully offset over five and ten years. Furthermore, I supported legislation in March 2009 to reduce the federal budget deficit by two-thirds over the next four years.

Foreign Affairs

As a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, I have led efforts to ensure that the United States successfully completes its mission in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have also been a strong supporter of Israel, stopping the genocide in Darfur, and restoring America’s reputation across the globe.

Health Care

I have worked to improve the health and well-being of my constituents throughout my career in the U.S. House of Representatives. I supported initiatives to make health care more accessible and affordable, protect Medicare beneficiaries’ access to physicians, increase funding for cancer research, expand community health care centers, reduce physician shortages, and improve veterans’ health care.

Homeland Security

I have strongly supported strengthening the security at America’s ports and borders and on commercial airlines, enhancing first responders’ (police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel) tools to fight terrorism, and increasing security at the nation’s chemical plants, water facilities, and mass transit stations. I also advocated for robust funding for the nation’s intelligence agencies.


I have supported legislation to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, stop predatory and irresponsible mortgage loan practices, increase the supply of affordable housing, and expand rural housing opportunities.


I support securing our borders from would-be terrorists. I am a sponsor of the Secure America Through Verification and Enforcement Act of 2009 (SAVE Act), which strengthens border security by increasing manpower and utilizing new technology and fencing. It also expands programs to verify work authorization before hiring and provides the tools, resources, and infrastructure necessary to enforce existing immigration laws and punish offenders.

Jobs & Economy

I am focused on creating jobs in the Second Congressional District and revitalizing the economy for the future. I supported the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act which, according to a January, 2010 report by the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors, created or saved up to 2 million jobs and added between 1.5 and 3 percentage points to the growth in gross domestic product in the final quarter of 2009. I also fought for extending unemployment benefits for workers who have exhausted their benefits, providing vital tax relief to 25 million middle-class families by protecting them from the Alternative Minimum Tax, putting people to work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, as well as strengthening our nation’s small businesses and farms.


I supported legislation to repeal the estate tax, protect more than 25 million middle-class families from being hit by the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), provide energy tax relief, and ban state and local taxes on Internet access.


I have fought for Georgia’s Second Congressional District to receive its fair share of funding to improve its highways, roads, bridges, and mass transit infrastructure. I also supported more highway-related construction jobs, reduced gasoline prices, and the increased use of biofuels.


As a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, I’ve worked for substantial increases in funding for veterans’ initiatives. I have led efforts to improve health care for veterans, especially those with traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, mental health care issues, and lost limbs. I also supported legislation on behalf of veterans to increase educational opportunities, expand small business opportunities, provide cost-of-living adjustments, and reduce homelessness and suicide.

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