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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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The Food Label and You — Video

FDA presents an entertaining and educational tool to help consumers understand and use the Nutrition Facts Label to make informed food choices. 

You can view the new video in its entirety or select on any of the individual segments below. 

  Food Label and You




The Food Label & You (full video) 





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CSI (Calorie Scene Investigators)
A spoof on the popular CSI Series. This double-segment features CSI actors "investigating" calories, serving size and servings per container--and how to tell how many calories are in a serving of a particular food.
Produced by CDRH-TV for CFSAN.

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Gia Mora hosts an exploration of "serving sizes" and servings per container". Street interviewer Margo Seibert asks ordinary people on the street what a proper serving size is.
Produced by CDRH-TV for CFSAN.

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The 5-20 Rule Part 1
Our "Reporter on the Street" asks everyday people, "What's the 5-20 Rule?". Our studio host explains.
Produced by CDRH-TV for CFSAN.

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The 5-20 Rule Part 2
In this take off from the 1950's, our mom explains nutrition facts to her son using the Nutrition Facts Label and the 5-20 Rule. Grandpa makes an appearance to let us know his nutritional needs are different from his grandson's and how to take this into account.
Produced by CDRH-TV for CFSAN.

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Party Food (Gametime/Play By Play)
Spoof of a Sunday Afternoon Sports show highlighting the importance of using the nutrition facts label to control portions, fat, calories and percent daily value. Two studio "sports announcers" describe the "game day" food action of two parties: the first, a TV football game gathering and the second, a traditional sit-down dinner. Using the Nutrition Facts Label as their scorecard and the 5-20 Rule as their guide, the two announcers bounce back and forth between the action at the two sites, comparing serving sizes, ingredients and overall food choices in this "Battle of the Dueling Dinner Parties".
Produced by CDRH-TV for CFSAN.

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Road Food (Finding Nutrition Information on the Road)
Our host talks to a fast-food drive-through diner to demonstrate how to find nutritional information when you are eating out.
Produced by CDRH-TV for CFSAN. 

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Game Show Review (Are You Smarter Than A Food Label?)
Spoof of the popular game show, this segment pits FDA's "Labelman" against a contestant in food label knowledge. Questions cover topics such as Calories, Serving Size, Servings per Container, The 5-20 Rule and more.
Produced by CDRH-TV for CFSAN.

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