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(Article provided in 2010 by GSA Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), General Supplies and Services, Business Development Division, Michele Broccolino (


GSA has proactively responded to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act), as well as EO 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance. 


The General Services Administration¿s (GSA) Public Buildings Service (PBS) is using its Recovery Act funds to renovate and construct federal buildings and courthouses and land ports of entry, and to convert federal buildings to high-performance green buildings.


The Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) in GSA is purchasing fuel efficient and low emission vehicles.


Finally, GSA is helping Federal customers implement their Recovery Act requirements and respond to the mandates of EO 13514 by offering streamlined acquisition processes and solutions.


(Articles provided in 2010 by National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, Business Analysis and Investment Planning Staff, Lance Feiner, Chief,


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) received $261.6 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) to invest in three major facility construction projects and six facility maintenance and repair projects:

  - The Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) replacement project will replace NOAA's current SWFSC in La Jolla, CA, which was partially vacated in the summer of 2008 due to continued bluff erosion.

  - The Fairbanks Satellite Operations Facility (FSOF) project will replace the at-risk satellite operations facility located in Fairbanks, AK, with a new, pre-engineered temporary building that will support the remaining satellite missions at Fairbanks.

  -  The Pacific Regional Center (PRC) will consolidate NOAA programs and operations on the island of Oahu (Hawaii) into a single facility on federally-owned property at Ford Island, enabling NOAA to move out of buildings that have outlived their useful life and avoid costly leased space to accommodate its program growth.

  -  Six facility maintenance and repair projects will address the most critical facility repairs and building systems repair and replacement in NOAA's owned buildings improving the safety and working environment of NOAA's employees including the following:


  • Galveston Laboratory Hurricane Repair (Galveston, TX)
  • Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (Princeton, NJ)
  • Marine Operations Center-Atlantic (Norfolk, VA)
  • Milford Biological Laboratory Restoration (Milford, CT)
  • Panama City Laboratory Restoration (Panama City, FL)
  • Southwest Fisheries Science Center Restoration (Pacific Grove, CA)



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(article provided in 2010 by Council on Environmental Quality, Office of the Federal Environmental Executive, Christopher Currens, Deputy Associate Director for Green Technology (


Demonstrating a commitment to lead by example, President Obama signed Executive Order 13514 (Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance) on October 5, 2009, that sets sustainability goals for Federal agencies and focuses on making improvements in their environmental, energy and economic performance.


The President then asked all Federal and military personnel to join in the GreenGov Challenge to share their ideas on how we can lead by example, green the government, and meet the goals of the Executive Order on Federal Sustainability.


The GreenGov Challenge generated more than 5,000 ideas and 165,000 votes from 14,000 federal employees.  The top ideas are summarized in the GreenGov Final Report, (Charts 1 and 2 referenced below are from the report).


Among the most popular ones were expanding teleworking, landscaping with native plants that require less watering, making use of digital signatures to reduce printing documents, replacing non-recyclable materials with biobased cups and other service items in federal cafeterias, and installing solar panels of federal buildings.


In February (of 2010), President Obama issued a new challenge to Federal and military personnel to put their GreenGov ideas to work.  The GreenGov Collaborative,, is an online community that brings together colleagues across the government to share strategies, ask questions, and create 'green teams' to put their ideas into action.  In a few short months, this community has grown to nearly 1000 members.



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The Guam Joint Military Master Plan Sustainability Program: Achieving Federal Mandates and Targets Using Sustainable Economics


(Article provided in 2010 through Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pacific (NAVFAC PAC), Asset Management Business Line, Wes Ishizu, Director, Mid-Pacific Planning Division (, authors: Avinash Srivastava, AICP, AECOM and Deanna Weber, LEED AP, AECOM) The Guam Joint Military Master Plan (GJMMP)



Sustainability Program was recently presented to the Office of Under Secretary of Defense (I & E), Assistant Secretary of the Navy (E, I & E), Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) and the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Federal Summit 2010.


Why all the coverage? Guam's military buildup plan, with over fourteen million square feet of new construction, not only meets the federal mandates but also the greenhouse gas (GHG) targets set forth in Executive Order 13514 (Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance) in the most cost-effective way using an integrated, whole systems sustainability framework.



The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), under orders from the Obama Administration, has embarked on a service-wide initiative designed to greatly improve the resource efficiency and overall sustainability of U.S. bases and installations around the world. A major starting point for the initiative is the island of Guam where the DoD is engaged in implementing the GJMMP, which will be the new home to four major headquarters for 8,600 military and 3,500 families.  Major functional areas are to be developed on the island of Guam, ranging from a new rotary wing base, training facilities, sea and air embarkation and the Main Cantonment area.



The Main Cantonment of the planned base includes approximately 1,900 separate facilities and approximately 3,500 units of family housing all designed in a walkable, contiguous campus-like setting that includes over half of the overall 3,420 acre site as open space. This development program hosts over 17,000 residents and forms the basis for the proposed GJMMP sustainability program.



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(Article provided in 2010 by Headquarters, US Army Corps of Engineers, Asset Management, Rora F. Glenn ( and Elliott K. Ng (


The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) of 2009, signed into law by the President on February 17, appropriated $4.6B (billion) to the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) for its Civil Works program.


The $4.6B is distributed in the following program accounts:


  • Operation and Maintenance $2.075B - Construction $2B
  • Mississippi River and Tributaries $375M (million)
  • Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program $100M
  • Investigations $25M
  • Regulatory Program $25M


"The Corps is fully committed to ensuring the Recovery Act funds provided for Civil Works are used to achieve the purposes envisioned by the President and Congress for the legislation," said Maj. Gen. Merdith "Bo" Temple, who was then Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations for the Corps.  MG Temple is now (as of 2010) the Deputy Commanding General for the Corps. 


"We intend to quickly put these dollars into action to get our fellow citizens to work on Corps projects throughout the Nation," said Temple. "At the same time, we will use these funds to build long-term value for the Nation in its water resources projects."




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This document will help you make in-line comments to a policy document that is under review.


The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) was signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009. It was an unprecedented effort to jumpstart our economy, create or save millions of jobs, and put a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so that our country can thrive in the 21st century.


(article provided by U.S. Department of State, Real Property Management Bureau, Eric Leonard, A/OPR/RPM (, 2010)



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The State of the Estate 2009 is the United Kingdom (UK) Government's second annual report on the efficiency and sustainability of its civil estate1 as required by UK's Climate Change Act 2008 and it is significant in two respects. It is the first report to make a comparative assessment of progress year on year, and it demonstrates that in general the standards achieved are equal to or better than those achieved in the private sector.



The report is based on facts and actual figures drawn from a mix of central databases and local data provided and verified by central government departments, and publication in an accessible and attractive format contributes to openness and transparency.




(article provided by United Kingdom, Her Majesty's Treasury, Office of Government Commerce, Government Estates Transformation Division, Head of High Performing Property Strategy and Implementation, Bridget Hardy (, from excerpts in The State of the Estate 2009 Report, published in March 2010)





Please download the PDF listed below for the entire E-News article.



Canada's "Green Acceleration"


Article provided by Public Works and Government Services Canada,


Real Property Branch,

Strategic Relations,


Pierre Hogle (


The Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is custodian of 345 federal buildings and a number of other assets located in various cities and towns across Canada.  Collectively, these assets have a considerable impact on the environment. In recent years, the Department has embarked on an ambitious program to improve the environmental sustainability of its owned assets. In support of its greening efforts, PWGSC has adopted the Building Owners Management Association (BOMA) BESt Go Green Plus Program.


The Program establishes a number of practices which can be employed as a yard stick to assess how well an existing building is performing on key environment measurements. BOMA BESt encompasses six major categories with 33 environmental aspects relating to energy, water, waste reduction, emissions, effluents, indoor environment and environmental management.



Please download the PDF listed below for the entire E-News article.


The Dutch building and construction sector is sinking deeper into a recession. Over 20,000 people in the industry already have lost their jobs. This is likely to grow to 50,000 in 2010 and 2011, which is 10 percent of the total number of jobs in the sector. While the rest of Dutch business shows a slow recovery, results for building and construction in the first quarter of 2010 are very poor (see chart).


Early in 2009, designers, developers and brokers felt the impact of the credit crunch. Reduced contract portfolios and projects that were delayed or even stopped, lead to a significant decrease of turnover of 40 percent. In the first half of 2010, turnover in most architectural offices again decreased (-35 percent). The number of active architects has dropped to about 7,000 (of 15,000 in 2008). Architects expect some improvement in the second half of 2010. Developments in the architect and design sector are usually a forerunner for what is about to happen in construction. Improvement in that sector is not expected until 2012.


The Dutch government, including the Rijksgebouwendienst (Government Buildings Agency), has taken steps to reduce the impact of the credit crunch, including the building and construction sector. Those actions and the way government housing responded to the credit crunch and to cuts in government spending are outlined here.



The Netherlands Government Buildings Agency (Rijksgebouwendienst) (Article provide by The Netherlands Government Buildings Agency (Rijksgebouwendienst),


Thomas van Dijk, Senior Policy Advisor ( ####


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From Plenty to Cheap (Good Old Times)


Iceland has a unique environmental position. A sparsely populated island (330,000 inhabitants) with clean water and indigenous energy in plenty, Icelanders are wallowing in natural resources.


The country is a world leader in terms of the ratio of renewable energy used. Yet, in some other fields it has fallen far behind most European countries in adapting to sustainability. The abundant supply along with lack of financial motivation have resulted in a merely lukewarm interest in environmental issues, not least in the construction sector.


It is just in recent years that we started catching on and catching up.



(Article provided by Government Construction Contracting Agency (GCCA), Iceland, Óskar Valdimarsson, CEO ( and Lena Kadmark, Project Manager)




Please download the PDF listed below for the entire E-News article.


I. Introduction


The Cost Per Person (CPP) Model is an Excel-based tool designed to compute and benchmark the cost per person for workspace, information technology (IT), and telecommunications. The CPP Model can also calculate potential cost savings resulting from alternative work environments such as telework centers, hoteling, or desk sharing.  Enabling Macros: To enable the spreadsheet macros, adjust the security level. Click Tools, Macro, Security, and Security Level on the Excel toolbar to adjust the security level. Select Medium security level, close and then reopen the file.



II. Overview of workbook


The CPP Model has tabs on the bottom of each screen which take the user to any of the model's sections: CPP MODEL Allows users to input data and generate results. CPP MODEL CALCULATIONS Provides explanation of total office workplace cost for organization as well as cost per person. CPP GRAPHS Illustrates cost per person results graphically. SCENARIO TOOL Calculates potential net savings resulting from the use of different work environments. SCENARIO GRAPHS Graphically illustrates costs savings calculated by the Scenario Tool. DEFINITIONS Defines data inputs for CPP Model. U.S. REGIONAL MAP Divides the United States into seven geographical areas.



III. Getting Started:


Enabling Macros Double-click the Excel file ?Cost Per Person 2005.?  Depending on one?s current computer settings, a user may see a message regarding macros (Figure 1).  If this message is received, choose Enable Macros.  


               CPP Fig 1.bmp                          

                    Figure 1 - Enabling Macros " If this message is not received, enable the spreadsheet macros by adjusting the security level.  Click Tools, Macro, Security, and Security Level on the Excel toolbar to adjust the security level.  A dialog box will then appear (Figure 2).  Select Medium. Close and then reopen the file. If your computer is running on Windows 2000 operating system, you will need to select the Low security level in order for the model to function." "                        



                    CPP Fig 2.bmp


                         Figure 2 - Security Level" To unprotect the model, click Tools, Protection, and Unprotect Sheet.



The CPP MODEL tab enables users to input specific organization information and estimate the cost per person

for the following components:

  • Real Estate
  • Telecommunications
  • IT and Additional Devices
  • Alternative Work Environment


Input data in only the un-shaded spreadsheet cells. Work through each component and use suggested values where applicable, or refer to the DEFINITIONS tab for more information.



Complete the CPP MODEL worksheet from top to bottom, since some calculations depend on prior inputs. The CPP Model displays a Cumulative Cost Per Person at the top of each spreadsheet. This number allows the user to see the impact of a single model component.  A user may click CPP MODEL CALCULATIONS at any time for details of each calculation in the model.  In order to save the results under a new file name, click Save As on the Excel toolbar.  A dialog box will ask for a new file name.  Once the new name is entered, click Close to overwrite the existing file.


Contact Us.



For questions or comments regarding the Cost Per Person Model, please contact:


Ray Wynter

Office of Real Property Management

Performance Measurement Division

GSA's Office of Governmentwide Policy 

202-501-3802 .


L-S Document 563890 07/08/96 [L-S document 563890, 61 FR 35736, 66 lines]


GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION [GSA Bulletin FPMR D-238] Locating Federal Facilities on Historic Properties in Our Nation's Central Cities


1. Purpose. This bulletin announces the policy concerning the location of Federal facilities on historic properties in our central cities.


2. Expiration date. This bulletin contains information of a continuing nature and will remain in effect until canceled.


3. Background. a. On May 21, 1996, President Clinton signed Executive Order 13006, entitled "Locating Federal Facilities on Historic Properties in Our Nation's Central Cities," to encourage "leasing, acquiring, locating, maintaining, or managing" Federal facilities on historic properties in our nation's central cities. So that federal agencies may benefit from GSA's real property management expertise, government-wide policy guidance is being provided concerning the acquisition and use of historic properties to be utilized by federal agencies where operationally appropriate and economically prudent. b. The Public Buildings Cooperative Use Act of 1976 (40 U.S.C. 601a) directs the Administrator of General Services to "acquire and utilize space in suitable buildings of historic, architectural, or cultural significance, unless use of such space would not prove feasible and prudent compared with available alternatives." In the past, some Federal agencies have successfully promoted the acquisition and use of space in "buildings of historic, architectural, and cultural significance" by extending a 10 percent cost preference for these properties.


4. Action. In accordance with Executive Order 13006, and subject to the requirements of section 601 of title VI of the Rural Development Act of 1972, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 3122), and Executive Order 12072, when locating Federal facilities, Federal agencies shall give first consideration to historic properties within historic districts. If no such property is suitable, then Federal agencies shall consider other developed or undeveloped sites within historic districts. Federal agencies shall then consider historic properties outside of historic districts, if no suitable site within a district exists. All Federal agencies must use procedures which implement the policy to extend first consideration to locations as prescribed in the Executive order. These implementation procedures should be consistent with the existing policy set forth in Executive Order 12072 (Federal Space Management), which extends first consideration to central business areas (CBAs), and should consider applicable requirements relating to full and open competition under the Competition in Contracting Act, 41 U.S.C. 253 et seq. Federal agencies are encouraged to consider the Government's previous approach extending preferenc to historic properties. Where operationally appropriate and economically prudent, Federal agencies may extend first consideration to historic properties using various methods, including but not limited to extending a cost preference (similar to GSAR 570.701-4, Historic Preference); limiting competition to historic districts and/or historic properties; conducting market surveys and market analyses to identify historic properties or districts to be included in the area of consideration; providing notice of a requirement and an opportunity to respond to local, state or regional historic preservation officials; or a combination of the foregoing.


Dated: June 28, 1996.

G. Martin Wagner,

Associate Administrator,

Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation.


[FR Doc. 96-17208 Filed 7-5-96; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6820-23-M


GSAR/GSAM in Other Reference Materials

Posted by admin Aug 30, 2011



Pricing Guide in Other Reference Materials

Posted by admin Aug 25, 2011

This Desk Guide presents the policies and procedures the Public Buildings Service (PBS) uses to price real estate and related services to Federal agencies. It is designed to guide PBS personnel in the performance of their work, but it also serves as a resource for customers interested in acquiring a more thorough understanding of PBS pricing policy and its application.


These policies and practices were known as New Pricing, when first introduced in 1996. With the publication of this third edition of the Desk Guide, we have included a Companion Document complete with an Index. We believe the addition of the Companion Document serves as an enhancement to the Desk Guide by providing information that aids in its use. This publication is not a user?s guide for the software application System for Tracking and Administering Real Property (STAR), the Occupancy agreement (OA) Tool or the billing process. A separate guide already exists for the OA Tool, which has been updated.


A STAR Desk Guide is planned as a reference source to help PBS realty personnel identify the correct fields and screens to use to enter various rent charges and fees. A users guide to the billing process is also under consideration. This guide replaces all earlier versions, including the second edition. The changes are the consequence of a number of influences. These include further refinement in the conceptualization of the policy; greater understanding borne of practical experience in applying the policy, and careful weighing of customer commentary and reaction. Any necessary future modifications will be issued as additional changes to the Desk Guide.