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U.S Department of Health and Human Services Symbol HHS Gateway to Data and Statistics

Welcome to the HHS Gateway to Data and Statistics. This web-based tool provides easy access to HHS data and statistics and also brings together key federal health and human services related data and statistics from other sources. It is designed to help users locate health-related data, statistical information and reports collected from various government resources in one convenient location.

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  Statistical Data Topics
Diseases, Disorders and Health Status

Disability, Cancer, AIDS/HIV
Health Resources

Health Care Workers, Physicians, Nurses
Risk Factors

Substance Abuse, Obesity, Tobacco
Financing and Expenditures for Health and Human Services

Health Insurance, Health Care Costs, Medicaid
Health Care Services

Health System, Procedures and Therapies
Special Populations

Children, Rural, Minorities
Income and Poverty

Social Security, Income, Poverty
Other Health Topics

Accidents/Unintentional Injury, Life Tables, Lost Work Days
Family and Community Services

Social/Family Issues, Child-Rearing Costs, Adoption