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Sacramento Area Voltage Support

Scoping Meetings Notice of Intent SEIS/EIR : Draft   Final
NewsLetter June 2006 Archived EIS Site Record of Decision
NewsLetter July 2007 Press Release - 06/01/2006 Biological Opinion

Welcome to the official web site for the Western Area Power Administration, Sierra Nevada Region, Sacramento Area Voltage Support Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Impact Report.

Western's Sierra Nevada Region (SNR) operates and maintains more than 1,200 miles of transmission lines. These transmission lines are interconnected to other Sacramento area utilities including Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), Roseville Electric (Roseville), and the California Independent System Operator (ISO) grid.

Western prepared a Sacramento Voltage Support (SVS) Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in November 2002 and a Final EIS in September 2003 to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of alternatives identified for improvement of electric system reliability and voltage support for the Sacramento area. A Record of Decision (ROD) was signed on January 12, 2004 for the Final EIS.

At that time of the ROD funding was uncertain. Roseville and SMUD have since committed to share in funding more detailed project studies. Since, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) applies to Western, as a federal agency, and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements apply to both SMUD and Roseville, a joint NEPA/CEQA document will be developed, namely the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Impact Report (SEIS and EIR). Alternatives for a portion of the transmission line will be analyzed in this Supplemental EIS and EIR.

Important Notice: Due to heightened security, the SVS SEIS and EIR will not be available on this website. Only the Executive Summary (without figures and tables) will be posted.