Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS)

Visit the HUD Homeless Resource Exchange

Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Planning and Development

HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPs) makes technical assistance available to grantees, sponsors and eligible applicants under Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to better plan, design, and administer their projects and Continuum of Care strategies and ultimately achieve the highest level of performance and results.

McKinney-Vento grantees interested in requesting technical assistance related to a Continuum of Care grant (i.e. Supportive Housing Program, Shelter Plus Care or Moderate Rehab Single Room Occupancy) or an Emergency Shelter Grant, should contact their local field office to request technical assistance.

Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program grantees and Continuums of Care (CoCs) interested in requesting technical assistance, should submit a request via the Help Desk on HUD’s Homelessness Resource Exchange.

HMIS technical assistance should be requested through Ask the Expert on HMIS.info.

All requests submitted to the field office, HRE Help Desk and HMIS.info should describe the issue or problem, the specific assistance being requested and any other pertinent information, such as actions taken to date, reason technical assistance is needed, etc.

HUD will launch a new CoC Check-up process, including a CoC self-assessment tool to help communities prepare for the transition to HEARTH Act requirements, in the summer of 2011.  Once the CoC Check-up is launched, a CoC must complete the self-assessment tool before HUD will consider a request for CoC-related technical assistance.

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Eligible Applicants

Local non-profits, local and state governments, and other groups in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Territories that have received or are seeking HUD funds to develop and implement improved initiatives using the HUD assistance.