Marketing and Consumer Research


Stack of books Market Research

USDA. Foreign Agricultural Service.

Supplies U.S. exporters with a number of resources and tools to obtain up-to-date market information, including an array of resources regarding market research and a database of U.S. agricultural exports and imports.

Economic Research Service Topics

USDA. Economic Research Service.

Analyzes and collects authoritative resources on a variety of agricultural topics that have become the focus of study at the Economic Research Service. Provides links to recent ERS research developments, readings, data, questions and answers, and an assortment of other ERS products and services addressing the issues. Presents resources by topic, including by country and commodity.

Couple of strawberries and a blackberry Quality Standards

USDA. Agricultural Marketing Service.

Provides full-text access to the quality standards for cotton, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, livestock, nuts and speciality crops, poultry and eggs, processed fruits and vegetables, and tobacco.

Global Agricultural Information Network

USDA. Foreign Agricultural Service.

Provides access to a searchable database of reports by FAS agricultural attachés stationed around the world. Includes a wide range of reports covering foreign import regulations, agricultural commodities, current agricultural production, and country-specific exporter guidance.

Close-up view of wheat Amber Waves

USDA. Economic Research Service.

A print and online publication covering the economics of food, farming, natural resources, and rural America. Published five times a year since February 2003. Includes access to all back issues.

AgEcon Search

University of Minnesota.

A searchable database of full text copies of reports from over 100 U.S. and international organizations and universities on agribusiness, food supply, policy issues, agricultural trade, and economic development.

Red check mark Checkoff Programs Reading Room

University of Arkansas. National Agricultural Law Center.

Links to statutes, regulations, case law, and congressional reports on the research and promotion programs tied to various agricultural commodities, and several commodity boards.

Market Research Library

USDOC. U.S. Commercial Service.

A searchable database of research and reports addressing business in more than 120 countries and 110 industry sectors. Register for e-Alerts from the Commercial Service.

University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives

University of Wisconsin.

Studies, promotes, and researches cooperative action as a means of meeting people's economic and social needs. Provides links to current co-op news, to agricultural co-ops, and to related resources by topic and sector.

Access links to Web sites with guides for small businesses, information on advertising and marketing, information on international trade and more.

Market Research

Provides guidance on how and where to conduct market research in a step-by-step approach. Includes Webcasts on business exporting, and links to a range of reports, studies, statistics, and resources.

Marketing and Trade -- Market Research

United States Department of Agriculture.

Links to comprehensive market and trade data research and reports and supplies numerous databases searchable by product or country.