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NWS Hydrologic Service Program
Hydrologic Services Program

More Information Flowing on Freshwater Floods caused by Hurricanes

More than half the deaths associated with hurricanes in the last 30 years can be tied to inland flooding. One of the NWS’ major outreach campaigns is designed to raise the awareness of this danger. To promote this campaign, the Hydrologic Services Division (HSD) is engaging partners and customers in a variety of activities.

The HSD is working with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Tropical Prediction Center (TPC) to integrate a hydrologic presence into the Hurricane Liaison Team (HLT). The HLT, activated at the request of the Director of the TPC, provides critical information to federal, state, and local response agencies. Beginning this tropical season, the potential for freshwater flooding will be assessed and coordinated more completely along with the hazards of high winds, waves, and storm surge.

The North Carolina Flood Mapping Project was created in response to disastrous floods caused by Hurricane Floyd. Damage from Hurricane Floyd was estimated at $3.5 billion. Hurricane Floyd destroyed 4,117 uninsured and underinsured homes. The state’s vulnerability to hurricanes and flooding make it crucial that communities and property owners have accurate, up-to-date information about the flood risk. The updated flood insurance rate maps produced through this project will help identify areas vulnerable to flooding. NWS Hydrologic Services is working with the state of North Carolina to make improvements to the flood forecasting program including graphical river forecasts and real-time inundation mapping. These enhancements will give more detailed flood information for a greater part of the threatened river basins and thus provide advanced notice of flood potential to more people. Local and state officials will have more information to manage the risk of flooding more effectively the next time a hurricane makes landfall.

Jeff Zimmerman, Hydrologic Services Division, Support Branch Chief

Related Information: Hurricane Awareness Week

Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
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Last Updated: October 10, 2003