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Photo of the Week: July 6, 2012

July 6, 2012 - 1:31pm


More than 200 Fermilab researchers and staffers crowded into an auditorium at 2 a.m. EDT July 4 and waited for the latest announcement regarding the Higgs boson. 

When CERN Director-General Rolf-Dieter Heuer said the words - "I think we have it" – the Fermilab crowd erupted into applause. 

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Brookhaven National Laboratory are the host laboratories for the U.S. contingents of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments that found the Higgs boson-like particle. They and researchers from Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are among the 1,700 scientists, engineers, technicians and graduate students from the United States that helped design, build and operate the LHC accelerator and particle detectors, and analyze the data from the collisions. Read the story: <a href="">The Last Piece of the Puzzle: Celebrating the Higgs Boson</a> | Photo courtesy of Fermilab

More than 200 Fermilab researchers and staffers crowded into an auditorium at 2 a.m. EDT July 4 and waited for the latest announcement regarding the Higgs boson. When CERN Director-General Rolf-Dieter Heuer said the words - "I think we have it" – the Fermilab crowd erupted into applause. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Brookhaven National Laboratory are the host laboratories for the U.S. contingents of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments that found the Higgs boson-like particle. They and researchers from Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are among the 1,700 scientists, engineers, technicians and graduate students from the United States that helped design, build and operate the LHC accelerator and particle detectors, and analyze the data from the collisions. Read the story: The Last Piece of the Puzzle: Celebrating the Higgs Boson | Photo courtesy of Fermilab

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