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Diane Black - Washington, DC

Diane Black
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  1. While President Obama claims the country is moving forward, the October jobs report showing an increase of unemployment to 7.9 percent is a stark reminder that his rhetoric could not be further from reality. Today, unemployment is higher than when the president took office and 23 million Americans are struggling to find work as job creation fails to keep pace with population growth. President Obama’s failed policies of four straight years of more than $1 trillion deficits; m...
    assive new regulations; insistence on higher taxes for small businesses; and a government-takeover of our health care system have resulted in the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression. SHARE & "LIKE" this post if you think America is long overdue for a president and Senate who are committed to working with House Republicans to turn this country around and get Americans back to work!
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  2. Recent Posts by Others on Diane BlackSee All
    • Keep doing the awesome job!!!!! It's the others that are causing the problems, but that doesn't really surprise anyone
      1 · about an hour ago
    • Ms. Black U think, along with others, there is only one true way to regain what we once had in this great country. And that is another succession from the Union. And I sat this seriously, honestly, & truthfully. So I'm hoping that Tennessee will be the first state to leave the Union. Please introduce this as a bill as this the only way we can regain what we once had.
      1 · about an hour ago
    • Congratulations Senator Bob Corker, Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr., Dr. Phil Roe, Congressman Chuck Fleischmann, Scott DesJarlais, Jim Cooper, Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Rep Stephen Fincher, Congressman Steve Cohen on your reelection. We look forward to working with you throughout the 113th Congress.
      5 hours ago
    • Mary A. Roth
      Just remember Diane Black you represent ALL the people of Tennessee. Not just republicans, DON'T FORGET IT! Now its time to roll up your sleeves & get to work. Stop with the stone walling & chest thumping & WORK IT OUT!!!! I and others in this nation will be watching what goes on in Washington. Please don't waste anymore time, that isn't a luxury we can afford. I'm ashamed of ALL the crap that is, or better yet, what isn't coming out of Washington. This may not bother you, but it bothers me. Weather you like it or not, you work for me & millions of Americans who are tired of the bickering & grandstanding. The nations eyes are on you & your fellows on both sides of the isle. How will history remember you? Somebody needs to take the lead. Will it be you? Will you honor your promise as a PUBLIC SERVANT to serve the people & not just the Republican party? History & the American people are waiting.... How will YOU be painted in the history books?
      11 · 9 hours ago
    •  Live local election coverage coming tonight. Remember to refresh your browsers every 10 to 20 minutes. The fastest feedback on local elections around, www.everythinghendersonville.com.
      23 hours ago
  3. Another stark reminder of why Obamacare is bad for the economy and the wrong medicine for our health care system -> Wall Street Journal examines how ObamaCare’s Medical device tax will result in fewer start-ups, higher health care costs for consumers and less investment in research and development. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203400604578074870506887766.html?mod=WSJ_article_MoreIn_SmallBusiness
  4. The Obama administration has yet to answer the most basic questions about the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans. For instance, what did President Obama know and when did he know it? Why has the Obama administration continued to change its story about how Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other Americans died on Sept. 11th in Benghazi? SHARE & "LIKE" this post if you think it is long past time for the Obama administration to come clean about Libya.
  5. This week I had the opportunity to tour the Nashville Corps’ Kentucky Lock Addition and received informational briefings on the project. From transporting commerce to producing hydro-energy, this operation impacts the 6th District in import...
    ant ways. Many of the vessels that will benefit from this addition project deliver commerce to middle Tennessee including coal for the Gallatin Steam Plant. The new system will cut down on the delays and create a smoother and more efficient system for the users of the lock so they can reach their many destinations faster.
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  6. Texting REDCROSS to 90999 will send $10 directly to the Red Cross disaster relief fund. For more ways to help our fellow Americans on the East Coast, click here: http://abcnews.go.com/US/hurricane-sandy-victims/story?id=17598687#.UJAxy8XA-So
  7. Due to Hurricane Sandy, my Washington office is closed today. If you need assistance, please contact my Gallatin office at (615) 206-8204. My thoughts and prayers go out to those in the path of Hurricane Sandy. Stay safe and follow guidelines from FEMA and your local leaders. To support relief efforts, consider donating to the Red Cross.
  8. Today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis released its estimates for gross domestic product (GDP) in the third quarter of 2012 showing that the economy grew by an anemic 2 percent. It is important to keep in mind, as the Associated Press pointed out last month, “Growth at or below 2 percent is not enough to lower the unemployment rate.” Also, we cannot forget that President Obama also promised that with the passage of his $1 trillion “stimulus” the economy would grow by 4.6 percent this year. If government spending were the answer then we should be experiencing an economic boom, but we are not. SHARE & "LIKE" this post if you believe that 2 percent GDP growth and more than 23 million Americans struggling to find work is NOT a real recovery!
  9. Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking to Michelle Agee and David Fuqua’s government classes at Portland High School. I was very impressed by how much the students knew about government and politics. Their teachers are doing a great job educating them on the US system of government and current political events. I hope these bright young students will continue to be engaged in the political process and consider running for public office one day.
    Photo: Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking to Michelle Agee and David Fuqua’s government classes at Portland High School.  I was very impressed by how much the students knew about government and politics. Their teachers are doing a great job educating them on the US system of government and current political events. I hope these bright young students will continue to be engaged in the political process and consider running for public office one day.
  10. A recent Pew Study found that as a social group women have been the most negatively impacted under President Obama. Did you know that 450,000 more women are unemployed since President Obama took office? With 23 million Americans struggling to find work, it is clear that the crisis facing women and men today is a job crisis. SHARE & "LIKE" this post if you don't want four more years of failed economic policies!
  11. MUST READ Robert Samuelson's op-ed on ObamaCare: Rhetoric Vs. Reality. Samuelson examines the law's impact on the distinction between full-time and part-time workers. He wisely notes that "[Obamacare] creates powerful pressures against companies hiring full-time workers -- precisely the wrong approach after the worst economic slump since the Depression." http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2012/10/22/obamacare_rhetoric_vs_reality_115851.html
  12. Very thankful for the great partnership Tennessee has w/ Nissan - 3rd shift, >800 jobs being added to Smyrna plant. They've added >2k jobs since 7/2011!
  13. Weekly jobless claims jumped 46,000 last week to 388,000, the highest in four months. At the rate we're going, America won't return to full employment for more than a decade. We need a real recovery! SHARE & "LIKE" this post if you think the Obama Economy is heading in the wrong direction.
  14. Friends, please SHARE this graphic!
    Photo: Friends, please SHARE this graphic!
  15. Battery maker with $249 million in taxpayer funds files for bankruptcy. SHARE & "LIKE" if you think that government should NOT be in the business of picking winners and losers.
  16. A reminder for you and your family - It’s that time of year for Medicare beneficiaries to review their Medicare plans as open enrollment begins on October 15th and lasts through December 7, 2012.
  17. Opposition continues to mount against Obamacare’s anti-conscience mandate with the number of plaintiffs suing the federal government reaching 100 this week. SHARE & "LIKE" this post if you believe that this clear violation of our first amendment rights must be stopped!

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