Bureau of Reclamation Banner, Upper Colorado Region
Crystal Spill

Aspinall Unit Reservoirs – August unregulated inflow into Blue Mesa Reservoir was 28,000 acre-feet or 44 percent of average.  Hydrologic conditions continue to be dry in the basin; however precipitation was near normal for the month.  June, July, August precipitation was 10, 150, and 95 percent of average respectively.   The current inflow rate into Blue Mesa Reservoir is about 450 cfs while reservoir releases are averaging about 1,200 cfs. 

Blue Mesa's present elevation is 7461.39 feet, which corresponds to a storage content of about 380,000 acre-feet.  The observed April through July runoff into Blue Mesa Reservoir was recorded at 206,500 acre-feet, or 31 percent of average.  The reservoir reached a high elevation of 7485.02 feet on April 13, 2012, which was approximately 34.38 feet below “full” pool.  Full pool is defined by the top of the spillway gates at elevation 7519.4 feet.  Rarely is the reservoir filled to that level due to safety.  For practical purposes; the reservoir is considered full at elevations above 7516.4 feet.

Releases from Crystal are currently set at 1250 cfs.  The Gunnison Diversion Tunnel is diverting about 750 cfs, which results in a river flow below the diversion tunnel of approximately 500 cfs.  These rates will most likely change as conditions warrant, primarily as we respond to changes at the Whitewater gage as flows prescribed in the Aspinall Unit Operations Record of Decision (ROD).  The ROD calls for keeping flows at the Whitewater gage at or above 900 cfs.

To view the most current reservoir elevation, content, inflow and release, click on: Blue Mesa Reservoir Data or Crystal Reservoir Data.

The last meeting of the "Aspinall Unit Working Group" was held on Thursday, August 9, 2012 starting at 1:00 PM at the Elk Creek Visitors Center at Blue Mesa Reservoir.  At this meeting, review of this spring’s reservoir operations, and plans for this summer and fall operations were discussed.  These meetings are open forum discussions on the Aspinall Unit reservoir operations with many interested groups participating. Anyone needing further information about these meetings should contact Dan Crabtree in the Grand Junction Area Office at (970) 248-0652. To view minutes from the last Aspinall meeting, click on: Meeting Notes.

Paul Davidson
Updated September 6, 2012

Email comments/inquires to: ResourceMgr@usbr.gov