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Year in Trade 2011: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (63nd Report)
USITC Publication 4336

July 2012

Year in Trade 2010: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (62nd Report)
USITC Publication 4247

July 2011

Year in Trade 2009: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (61st Report)
USITC Publication 4174

July 2010

Year in Trade 2008: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (60th Report)
USITC Publication 4091

July 2009

Year in Trade 2007: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (59th Report)
USITC Publication 4026

July 2008

Year in Trade 2006: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (58th Report)
USITC Publication 3927

July 2007

Year in Trade 2005: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (57th Report)
USITC Publication 3875

August 2006

Year in Trade 2004: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (56th Report)
USITC Publication 3779

July 2005

Year in Trade 2003: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (55th Report)
USITC Publication 3700

July 2004

Year in Trade 2002: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (54th Report)
USITC Publication 3630

August 2003

Year in Trade 2001: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (53rd Report)
USITC Publication 3510

May 2002

Year in Trade 2000: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (52nd Report)
USITC Publication 3428

June 2001

Year in Trade 1999: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (51st Report)
USITC Publication 3336

August 2000

Year in Trade 1998: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (50th Report)
USITC Publication 3192

May 1999

Year in Trade 1997: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (49th Report)
USITC Publication 3103

May 1998

Year in Trade 1996: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (48th Report)
USITC Publication 3024

April 1997

Year in Trade 1995: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program (47th Report)
USITC Publication 2971

August 1996
