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Counter Terrorism Sanctions

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What related guidance does OFAC have on these sanctions?
Sanctions Brochures
    Overview of Sanctions
    Overview of Sanctions (text)
    Guidelines on Transactions with the Palestinian Authority.
Frequently Asked Questions
    OFAC Frequently Asked Questions
Questions Regarding the FSE Executive Order (Prohibiting Certain Transactions with and Suspending Entry into the United States of Foreign Sanctions Evaders with Respect to Iran and Syria)
    Application for the Release of Blocked Funds
General Licenses
    General License 1 - Official activities of certain international organizations; U.S. person employees of certain governments (April 12, 2006)
    General License 2 - Travel, employment, residence and maintenance transactions with the Palestinian Authority (April 12, 2006)
    General License 3 - Payment of taxes and incidental fees to the Palestinian Authority (April 12, 2006)
    General License 4 - Transactions with entities under the control of the Palestinian President and certain other entities (April 12, 2006)
    General License 5 - Concluding activities with the Palestinian Authority (April 12, 2006)
    General License 6 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services (July 6, 2006)
    General License 7 - broad authorization for U.S. persons to engage in all transactions otherwise prohibited by the terrorism sanctions programs with the Palestinian Authority (October 31, 2007)
General License - To authorize payments from funds originating outside the United States for certain legal services to or on behalf of blocked persons, as well as the formation of legal defense funds to gather donations and dispense funds in connection with payments for such legal services (December 7, 2010)
Iran General License A - Certain transactions otherwise authorized under general or specific licenses set forth in or issued pursuant to 31 C.F.R. chapter V authorized.​
Interpretative Guidance
    Index of Interpretative Guidance
Guidance on OFAC Licensing Policy
    Guidance on the Release of Limited Amounts of Blocked Funds for Payment of Legal Fees and Costs Incurred in Challenging the Blocking of U.S. Persons in Administrative or Civil Proceedings.
    Guidance On Entities Owned By Persons Whose Property And Interests In Property Are Blocked
Terrorist Asset Reports (TAR)
Terrorist Assets Report 2011
Terrorist Assets Report 2010
    Terrorist Assets Report 2009
    Terrorist Assets Report 2008
    Terrorist Assets Report 2007
    Terrorist Assets Report 2006
    Terrorist Assets Report 2005
    Terrorist Assets Report 2004  
    Terrorist Assets Report 2003
    Terrorist Assets Report 2002
    Terrorist Assets Report 2001
Non-SDN lists associated with anti-terrorism programs
    Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) list - from General License 4 
What laws, rules and regulations provide the legal framework for the sanctions?
Executive Orders
Executive Order Prohibiting Certain Transactions With And Suspending Entry Into The United States Of Foreign Sanctions Evaders With Respect To Iran And Syria
    13372 Clarification of Certain Executive Orders Blocking Property and Prohibiting Certain Transactions (February 16, 2005)
    13268 Termination of Emergency With Respect to the Taliban and Amendment of Executive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001 (July 2, 2002)
    13224 Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threaten To Commit, or Support Terrorism (Effective Date - September 24, 2001)
    13099 Prohibiting Transactions With Terrorists Who Threaten To Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process (Effective Date - August 21, 1998)
    12947 Prohibiting Transactions With Terrorists Who Threaten To Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process (January 23, 1995)
    Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA), 8 U.S.C. § 1189, 18 U.S.C. § 2339B
    International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), 50 U.S.C. §§ 1701-1706
    National Emergencies Act (NEA), 50 U.S.C. §§ 1601-1651
    Section 5 of the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 (UNPA), 22 U.S.C. § 287c
Code of Federal Regulations
    31 CFR Part 594 - Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations
    31 CFR Part 595 - Terrorism Sanctions Regulations
    31 CFR Part 596 - Terrorism List Governments Sanctions Regulations
    31 CFR Part 597 - Foreign Terrorist Organizations Sanctions Regulations
Federal Register Notices
    71 FR 27199-06  - Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations; Terrorism Sanctions Regulations; Foreign Terrorist Organizations Sanctions Regulations - Revisions to authorize certain transactions with the Palestinian Authority
    71 FR 29251-06  - Revisions to IEEPA made by the Combating Terrorism Financing Act of 2005
    71 FR 58742-06  - Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations; Terrorism Sanctions Regulations; Foreign Terrorist Organizations Sanctions Regulations - Amendment to authorize the donation of medical devices to the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health
    72 FR 4206-07  - Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations - Amendment to clarify and redefine terms
    73 FR 78631-08 - Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations; Terrorism Sanctions Regulations; Foreign Terrorist Organizations Sanctions Regulations - Amendment to expand the scope of legal services
    74 FR 23111-09 - Terrorism List Governments Sanctions Regulations - Amendment to remove countries that are no longer designated as supporting terrorism
    74 FR 61036-09 - Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations - Amendment to define the terms "financial, material, or technological support"
    75 FR 75904-10 - Amendments to Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations and Terrorism Sanctions Regulations to expand the scope of authorizations in each of those programs for the provision of certain legal services
United Nations Security Council Resolutions
    1526 (January 30, 2004)
Last Updated: 10/4/2012 10:22 AM