U.S. Congressman Fred Upton

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Contact: Meghan Kolassa (202) 225-3761

A Grateful Nation Remembers

Washington, DC, May 25 - By Rep. Fred Upton -

In 1868, three years after the last shots were fired in the American Civil War, a proclamation was issued calling for a day of remembrance in honor of the Union soldiers who gave their lives in that conflict.  After World War I, that annual observance was expanded to pay tribute to all of the brave men and women of our Armed Forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

This Memorial Day, we come together in remembrance of those of generations past and present who died while serving our great nation.  Not only do we remember their courageous service and countless sacrifices, but all the things for which they so valiantly fought.

As we join with loved ones for parades, festivals, and backyard barbecues this weekend, we remember the hundreds of thousands of American soldiers who have given their lives in combat and their individual acts of bravery.  We also continue to keep in mind the sacrifices being made by our troops who are in harm’s way today and look forward to their safe return home.  Like those who preceded them, today’s soldiers and their families have given so much for our country and deserve the support and resources to succeed back here at home.

We must never forget that for every monument we see, for every flag on a grave, that there is an important story to tell. From generation to generation, the people who have fought for our country were not only soldiers – they were fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters. They were seemingly ordinary Americans who fought for the future of their country, for us, and for one another.

This Monday, we pay our respects to the many generations of heroes who sacrificed their tomorrows so that we may enjoy our freedoms today. We are all so proud of their service and forever grateful for their sacrifice. We are truly the land of the free because of our brave.

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