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Director's Forum: David Kappos' Public Blog

Wednesday May 09, 2012

USPTO Official Honored for Public Service

One of our stars here at the USPTO was honored this morning for her excellent work as a public servant. Senior Telework Advisor Danette Campbell is one of 33 Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal finalists in the category of Management Excellence. Under Danette’s guidance, the USPTO has created a teleworking program that is a model not just for the federal government but for any employer. A full two-thirds of USPTO employees telework in some manner, which saves millions of dollars, increases productivity, and boosts employee job satisfaction and retention.

The “Sammies,” as the awards are known, is a project of the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service, which honored the finalists at a breakfast today at the Ronald Reagan Building here in DC. Danette and her fellow finalists were profiled Monday in The Washington Post, and we’ve already been contacted by TV and radio outlets looking to hear Danette’s story. Of course, her story is really the story of the thousands of USPTO employees who have embraced teleworking to everyone’s benefit. We all will be pulling for Danette when they announce the winners on September 13th.


Congratulations, Danette!

Posted by Lara Shane on May 09, 2012 at 01:50 PM EDT #

Congratulations, Danette. Esmonde Holowaty (Inventor)

Posted by Esmonde Holowaty on May 09, 2012 at 04:26 PM EDT #

Kudos and congrats! Indeed, Danette deserves all our admiration and thanks for providing the leadership that makes teleworking on such a massive scale possible and productive for the USPTO. I first became acquainted with Ms. Campbell in Spring 2011 as a regular member of the Examining Corps. There are likely many positive accolades that could be expressed about this uniquely dynamic and visionary individual. But, succinctly stated, Danette is Excellence in Action with a purposeful passion that trail-blazed a path that has forever altered the way in which this Agency efficiently and effectively processes the by-products of American innovation. Although unlikely to seek such accolades, Under Secretary Kappos’ declaration of Ms. Campbell being “one of our stars” is indubitably well-deserved.

Posted by Annette M. Thompson on May 20, 2012 at 08:13 PM EDT #

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