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Active Partners Performance System (APPS)

The Active Partners Performance System (APPS) allows HUD's business partners to manage their company and individual participation information and submit their APPS Previous Participation Certification (APPC) (formerly known as form 2530) requests directly to HUD for processing via the Internet.

Certain Investors in HUD Multifamily Housing Programs, known collectively as "Passive Investors" may benefit from recent changes. Read "Active Partner Performance System (APPS) - Passive Investor Previous Participation and Certification" to find out more.

Certain other investors may qualify as Limited Liability Corporate Investors (LLCI) pursuant to the Preservation Approval Process Improvement Act of 2007. To learn more about qualification and certification requirements, visit or call your local HUD office.

PLEASE NOTE: Effective on July 1, 2006, the Active Partner Performance System (APPS) was fully implemented. The use of this system by all participants is strongly recommended. The system provides a method for participants to store and manage all data pertaining to their participation in HUD Multifamily Programs and then to submit future APPS Previous Participation Certificates (APPC) online, in HUD's secure web based environment. At this time, participants may opt to file paper form HUD 2530 with the local field office.

Important: APPS requires Coordinators/Users to request access authorizations for each individual within an organization structure if they are to enter or edit any information for that individual. Adding individuals to an organization structure does not require authorization, but without proper authorization the coordinator/user will be unable to certify for or edit the individual's information in any fashion.

 - Secure System Login
 - Business Partner Registration
HUD Multifamily
 - Business Partner Registration HUD Multifamily
for registering your company if it is not listed
in HUD's data base.
When entering data in this system do not
use punctuation in the company name.
 - Multifamily Coordinator and User Registration
for registering as a coordinator in HUD's systems
for the first time
 - Secure Systems Documentation
 - APPS Industry User Guide
 - APPS Quick Tips
 - APPS Glossary of Terms
 - Headquarters 2530 Contacts
 - Placing APPS Risk Flags and Reporting Requirements Related to Mortgage Default and Financial Relief
 - April 13, 2005 Final Rule - Active Partner Performance System Implementation
 - April 19, 2004 Proposed Rule - Active Partner Performance System Implementation
 - Previous Participation Certificate (PPC) Operating Procedures Limited Liability Corporate Investor

Facts about APPS

APPS will:

 - replace the current 2530 paper process
 - provide a more efficient approval process
 - secure and protect all data sent in by industry through an ID and password process
 - automate the Field Office review process by searching for all flags after the 2530 has been submitted to the Field Office by the business partners
 - allow Field Offices to view all flags found on an entity, or individual
 - reduce paper work.
 - allow entities to keep their personal information updated, i.e. Address, Phone Number, Fax Number, etc.


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