The Library of Congress > Teachers > Professional Development > Take Online Modules

On your own for professional development? Earn a certificate of completion by taking the Library's self-paced interactive modules. Each multimedia-rich program delivers approximately one hour of staff development.

Available Modules (6)

The main Reading Room, The Library of Congress

Introduction to the Library of Congress
Get an overview of the digitized materials and K-12 resources from the Library of Congress.

detail of children working on a project

Supporting Inquiry with Primary Sources
Teachers and students demonstrate how primary sources can be used to support inquiry learning. Inquiry encourages students to draw on their prior knowledge, personal experiences and critical thinking skills to construct meaning.


Copyright and Primary Sources
Learn how to evaluate primary sources from the Library's collections for the best use within copyright. Listen to several teachers as they evaluate the use of primary sources for use with their students.

Destitute pea pickers in California

Analyzing Primary Sources: Photographs and Prints
Learn how photographs and prints from the Library's collections can increase student engagement in the classroom.

Map and views illustrating Sir Francis Drake's West Indian voyage, 1585-6

Analyzing Primary Sources: Maps
Learn instructional strategies for using maps in the classroom.

Bust of Thomas Jefferson

Finding Primary Sources
Understand the breadth and depth of the Library's collections and listen to teachers as they find primary sources for their students.