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Oregon / Washington

RMPs for Western Oregon

Oregon Forest

Working with communities, gaining innovative ideas and identifying the latest natural resource research, the BLM is planning on how your public lands will be managed for the next twenty years. Throughout this planning effort, we need your thoughts, ideas, and participation. To stay up-to-date on public involvement opportunities, please check back with this web page, or join our email list.

If you would like to join our stakeholder list for this planning effort, please send an email to: BLM_OR_RMPs_WesternOregon@blm.gov

The revisions to the existing resource management plans (RMPs) will determine how these BLM-administered lands in western Oregon will be managed to further the recovery of threatened and endangered species, to provide for clean water, to restore fire-adapted ecosystems, to produce a sustained yield of timber products, and to provide for recreation opportunities.

More than 2.5 million acres in western Oregon make up the BLM-administered public lands in western Oregon. These lands provide forest products, fish and wildlife habitat, and countless recreation opportunities. Unlike national forests, BLM western Oregon public lands are generally not large contiguous blocks. A "checkerboard" of lands make up these federal lands.

Why is the BLM engaging in this effort? Emerging environmental, economic, and social impacts are making the last plans unable to meet the needs of people, plants, and wildlife that depend on these public lands.


Following is a tentative timeline for the RMPs for Western Oregon planning process:

March 9, 2012 Published NOI announcing new planning effort
March 9 to July 5, 2012 Scoping Period
Fall 2012 Draft Analysis of the Management Situation, State Director Guidance, Planning Criteria
Fall 2012 Formulate Alternatives
Fall 2012 to Summer 2013 Analyze Alternatives
Spring 2014 Prepare a Draft RMP/Draft EIS
Spring/Summer 2014 Draft RMP/Draft EIS Comment Period
Summer 2015 Prepare a Proposed RMP/Final EIS
Fall 2015 Prepare Record of Decision