“While there is still more work to be done, taken together, these reforms will focus our resources on the threats that matter most, and help us work more effectively with our allies in the field. They’ll bring transparency and coherence to a field of regulation which has long been lacking both. And by enhancing the competitiveness of our manufacturing and technology sectors, they’ll help us not just increase exports and create jobs, but strengthen our national security as well.”
- President Obama, Department of Commerce Annual Export Controls Update Conference, August 30, 2010


From the ECR Blog

August 15, 2012 - Public Comments on the BIS and DDTC Proposed Transition Rules Are Now Available Online
The State and Commerce Departments have published the public comments they received in response to the proposed rules for the orderly transition of items from the U.S. Munitions List (USML) to the Commerce Control List (CCL) as part of the reform effort. These comments are now being studied by the departments in preparation for publication in final and are available for public review on the State and Commerce websites, respectively.

August 14, 2012 - Public Comments on the Proposed Specially Designed Rules Are Now Available Online
The State and Commerce Departments have published the public comments they received in response to the proposed change in the definition of the term “specially designed” within the context of the reform effort. These comments are now being studied by the departments for preparation for publication in final and are available for public review on the State and Commerce websites, respectively.

August 3, 2012 - BIS Update 2012 Export Control Conference Held in Washington, DC
On July 17-19, the Bureau of Industry and Security hosted the “Update 2012 Conference on Export Controls and Policy”, which is an annual event for industry leaders and other interested stakeholders to learn about the current and future direction of export controls. The Export Control Reform Initiative was a key topic during the event, and several key participants in the process were present to discuss different aspects of the process. Speeches from the event by the following participants can be accessed online:

July 26, 2012 - The Defense Trade Advisory Group Holds Semi-Annual Meeting to Discuss Export Control-Related Issues
On July 26, the Defense Trade Advisory Group (DTAG) held a meeting in Washington to present and discuss the findings from two of its recent studies regarding trade in defense industrial goods. The first discussion focused on two competing legislative proposals to restore the authority of the President to determine the proper regulatory jurisdiction of commercial satellites, and the second was a presentation about how the ITAR might be improved to bring its guidance on transshipment requirements more into line with the challenges of current global logistics networks. Assistant Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro presented keynote remarks and discussed the importance of the Export Control Reform effort.

The speech listing for inclusion on the ECR Library page is as follows (the link goes to the same location as the one in the blog article):

Remarks by Andrew J. Shapiro, Assistant Secretary of Political-Military Affairs during the Defense Trade Advisory Group Plenary

July 2, 2012 – Public Comments on the Proposed Rule Changes to Category V-Explosives and Energetic Materials Are Now Available Online
The State and Commerce Departments have published the public comments they received in response to the proposed changes to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Export Administration Regulations (EAR) regarding ITAR Category V-Explosives and Energetic Materials. These comments are now being studied by the departments and are available for public review on the State and Commerce websites, respectively.

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ECR Fact Sheet Series
March 20, 2012

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White House Fact Sheet
July 19, 2011

White House Press Release
August 30, 2010

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