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Talk, panel discussions planned this week at Bradbury Science Museum

September 10, 2012—LANL's Bradbury Science Museum is hosting a talk about Alzheimer's Disease on Sept. 12, and two panel discussions as part of The Next Big Idea on Saturday (Sept. 15). All the events are free and open to the public.

Los Alamos National Laboratory responds to radiological incident

August 27, 2012—The Laboratory is investigating the inadvertent spread of Technetium 99 by employees and contractors at the Lujan Neutron Scattering Center at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE), a multidisciplinary accelerator facility used for both civilian and national security research.

Kyrala, collaborators receive prestigious APS award

August 23, 2012—George Kyrala of LANL's Plasma Physics group is among a team of researchers honored with the 2012 John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research for their work on a far-reaching discovery about laser-matter interaction, which has important implications for the National Ignition Facility (NIF).

ChemCam sends digital ‘thumbs up’

PASADENA, Calif., August 6, 2012—Members of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover ChemCam team got a digital thumbs up about the operational readiness of their instrument just hours after the rover landed on Martian soil late Sunday evening.

JPL knows how to create spectacle

If you are aware of the Mars Science Laboratory mission, are eating solid food, have access to a computer or television, but haven’t yet seen NASA’s “Seven Minutes of Terror” video by now, then you are probably one of the few.

National broadcast features LANL sites

August 6, 2012—A camera crew from CBS This Morning visited the Lab last week for an upcoming story on the proposed Manhattan Project National Historical Park bill making its way through Congress.

For LANL ChemCam team, the wait is over

PASADENA, Calif., August 5, 2012—After more than a decade of preparations, eight months of space flight and a seven-minute, hair-raising landing, a crew of LANL scientists is finally ready to begin their work helping characterize the geology of Mars.

Decadal analysis of nuclear physics field from National Research Council

June 26, 2012—The National Research Council (NRC) is completing its decadal review of the overall field of nuclear physics with a report due out today (June 26).

Chadwick, Chavez receive E.O. Lawrence awards

June 19, 2012—The Department of Energy recently presented the 2011 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award to nine recipients for their outstanding contributions in research and development supporting the DOE and its missions to advance the national, economic and energy security of the United States.

LANL, Y-12, Pantex collaborate on new weapons assessment technology

June 7, 2012—A new automated testing technology developed jointly by Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Y-12 plant in Tennessee, and Pantex in Texas is currently being deployed at Y-12. The technology, called Nondestructive Laser Gas Sampling (NDLGS), is expected to save several million dollars per year.

New Mexico Consortium breaks ground on biology lab

May 31, 2012—U.S. Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) recently spoke at the groundbreaking ceremony marking the start of construction on the New Mexico Consortium’s biological research facility at Entrada Park.

SimTable key tool for preparing, responding to wildfire

May 30, 2012—Emergency operations officials need an arsenal of tools to prepare for and fight wildland fires. SimTable is one of those tools.

Industrial collaboration grows between LANL and Sharp Corporation in wake of technical advance

May 31, 2012—In October 2008, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sharp Corporation, the multinational electronics device design and manufacturer, engaged in a series of collaborative efforts to build a cost effective and efficient solar cell based on quantum dot technology.

Los Alamos National Laboratory’s INFICOMM Technology: Innovation for the oil and gas industry now in northern New Mexico

May 31, 2012—After six years of joint development between Los Alamos National Laboratory and Chevron, the oil and gas industry now has a game-changing wireless communications technology that will address the challenge of increasing production and maximizing extraction potential of an oil field.

Kiplinger named Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

May 24, 2012—Jaqueline Kiplinger of LANL's Materials Chemistry group has been selected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. The Royal Society of Chemistry is Europe’s largest professional and academic society for chemistry.

Glowing future for Los Alamos and Sandia Biotech partnership

May 22, 2012—Partnering with Los Alamos National Laboratory, an Albuquerque-based company is seeking to transform the way protein and peptide analysis is conducted around the world.

Ultrasonic technology selected to develop algae harvester unit

May 17, 2012—The National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts (NAABB) has selected the Lab’s Ultrasonic Algae Harvesting technology for Phase II development. The technology is based on LANL’s R&D 100 Award-winning Ultrasonic Algal Biofuel Harvester.

Clarke and Vitev selected for DOE Early Career awards

May 17, 2012—Amy Clarke of LANL's Metallurgy group and Ivan Vitev of the Lab's Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology group are among the recipients of the DOE Office of Science 2012 Early Career Awards.

Harold Agnew talk delights audience

May 11, 2012—Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Director Harold Agnew spent more than two hours recalling his history with Los Alamos from the very beginnings of the Manhattan Project through his nine-year directorship that ended in 1979.

Restored Bradner films discussed at Bradbury Science Museum

May 11, 2012—During the Manhattan Project, scientists and researchers worked long hours, often late into the night, in the race to create the world's first atomic bombs that hastened the end of World War II. Among them was physicist Hugh Bradner, who also found time to make some home movies of scientists enjoying life during their down time.

Researchers develop and test theory of planetary formation

May 3, 2012—Recent research by Jarrett Johnson and Hui Li of LANL's Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology group suggests that the first planets in the universe formed well after the first generations of stars. The scientists calculated the minimum metallicity that must be present in the dusty disks surrounding newborn stars in order for planets to take shape.

Manvendra Dubey named a Fulbright-Nehru Fellow

April 27, 2012—The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board has selected Manvendra Dubey of Earth System Observations (EES-14) to receive a Fulbright award to India.

Baskes elected to the National Academy of Engineering

April 23, 2012—Michael Baskes has been elected to the distinguished ranks of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in the Materials Engineering section. Baskes is one of 66 newly elected members to the NAE, which has a membership of more than 2,000 peer-elected members and foreign associates.

DREAM modeling tool helps predict space weather

April 16, 2012—Scientists studying Earth’s radiation belts have a new modeling tool called Dynamic Radiation Environment Assimilation Model (DREAM). Researchers in LANL's Space Science and Applications group are developing DREAM and describe its current capabilities and applications in an article published in Space Weather, a journal of the American Geophysical Union.

New Mexico Consortium announces partnership with LANL’s Northern New Mexico Math and Science Academy

April 11, 2012—The New Mexico Consortium (NMC) will become the new fiscal agent for the Northern New Mexico Math and Science Academy (MSA). The MSA is a teacher professional development program, sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to help improve math and science education in New Mexico K-12 schools.

Postdoc Distinguished Performance and Mentor awards

April 11, 2012—Three postdocs and six staff members are receiving Postdoc Distinguished Performance and Postdoc Distinguished Mentor awards respectively at an invitation-only event April 25.

'Shuffling the deck' at Area G

April 4, 2012—Since mid-January, workers at Technical Area 54 have been organizing waste containers—an effort that’s become known as "shuffling the deck" at Area G—to help expedite waste processing and shipment.

TMS Young Leaders Professional Development Award winners

March 30, 2012—The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) has selected John Carpenter and Nathan Mara to receive a 2012 TMS Young Leader Professional Development Award.

McMillan: Lab will not file involuntary separation plan for FY12

March 30, 2012—Lab Director Charlie McMillan said during an all-employee meeting Thursday (March 29) that LANL will not file an involuntary separation plan for the regular workforce this fiscal year.

Video goes viral: Record-setting pulsed magnetic field

March 28, 2012—A YouTube video of the world-record pulsed, non-destructive magnetic field generated at LANL’s National High Magnetic Field Lab went viral over the weekend, generating more than 80,000 views since it was posted late Thursday (March 22).

Lab ahead of schedule processing waste in large boxes

March 26, 2012—The TRU Waste Program at LANL is nearly two months ahead of schedule processing and repackaging waste stored in large fiberglass-reinforced boxes, or FRPs.

Vanadium catalysts breakdown biomass into useful components

March 26, 2012—Due to diminishing petroleum reserves, non-food biomass (lignocellulose) is an attractive alternative as a feedstock for the production of renewable chemicals and fuels.

Sidney Drell awarded NNSA Gold Medal of Excellence

March 13, 2012—Theoretical physicist Sidney Drell received the National Nuclear Security Administration's Gold Medal of Excellence for Distinguished Service, the highest honorary award granted by the NNSA.

How trees die in drought key to plant, climate change questions

March 12, 2012—The question of how plants die during drought is one of the largest uncertainties in determining how plants will succumb to changing climate.

Expanding Your Horizons conference March 21 in Los Alamos

March 7, 2012—Students from middle and high schools in Northern New Mexico have hands-on opportunities to experience the many facets of the world of science, math, technology, and engineering at the 33rd annual Expanding Your Horizons™ Conference.

Joel Vargas: First Christopher Montalvo Scholarship recipient

February 23, 2012—The scholarship honors former Lab intern and student Christopher Montalvo, a senior at Pojoaque High School in 2005 when he died in a car accident.

New insight into viral factors that facilitate HIV transmission

February 15, 2012—The HIV-1 pandemic afflicts more than 34 million people worldwide, and more than 1.5 million people died in 2010 due to direct or indirect effects of HIV infection. The best hope to relieve this humanitarian disaster is to develop an effective vaccine to prevent new infections.

New Mexico House of Representatives passes memorial on Area G

February 14, 2012—The New Mexico House of Representatives has approved a legislative memorial calling for Congress to provide full funding for the completion and remediation of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Area G.

2011 Annual Report available online

February 13, 2012—The electronic 2011 Annual Report for Los Alamos National Laboratory is online.

QkarD cellphone technology makes Scientific American podcast

February 3, 2012—Scientific American magazine's "60 Second Tech" podcast, accessible online and via iTunes, features the quantum key distribution team's QKarD (Quantum Smart Card) technology.

LANL sponsored construction services conference on Feb. 9

February 2, 2012—Learn specifics about the task order agreements at a free general construction services solicitation conference from 7:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. February 9 at the Buffalo Thunder Resort in Pojoaque.

Baron awarded National Intelligence Medallion

February 2, 2012—Miles Baron of Los Alamos National Laboratory has been awarded the National Intelligence Medallion from James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

Spacecraft reveals new observations of interstellar matter

February 2, 2012—Researchers this week presented new data from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), which directly sampled material carried from outside our solar system across the galaxy by solar and stellar winds. The NASA space probe uses a pair of special cameras, one of which was developed to a large degree at LANL, to sample neutral atoms reaching Earth’s surroundings from the edges of the solar system and its immediate neighborhood.

Stockpile stewardship video now on YouTube

January 31, 2012—A shortened, nine-minute version of the Bradbury Science Museum's video, Stockpile Stewardship at Los Alamos: Heritage of Science, is now available on the LANL YouTube channel.

New technology brings quantum cryptography to handhelds

January 20, 2012—LANL researchers have developed an impenetrable line of defense known as QKarD (Quantum Smart Card) that loads quantum cryptography onto a smartcard or smart phone.

Bradbury Science Museum website revamped

January 19, 2012—With a sleek design, the new site reaches a global audience while providing locals information about the Museum’s popular annual events such as High-Tech Halloween and Summer Adventures in Science.

DOE/NNSA, NMED agree to realign environmental priorities

January 6, 2012—The Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) and the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) announced Thursday evening (January 5) that they have agreed "to address the highest risk, above ground transuranic waste currently located within Technical Area 54 at Los Alamos National Laboratory (the Laboratory or LANL) and to establish an action-oriented approach that makes optimum use of available resources."

LANL earns high marks from community leaders

January 4, 2012—Northern New Mexico community leaders continue to give the Laboratory high marks in the areas of corporate citizenship, economic development, education, and partnering with local governments.

LANS receives additional contract year, 89 percent of available fee

January 4, 2012—In its annual performance evaluation report, Los Alamos National Security, LLC received 89 percent of the available performance-based fee from the National Nuclear Security Administration for managing and operating LANL in fiscal year 2011.

Lab achieves wastewater milestone

January 3, 2012—Millions of gallons of industrial wastewater will be recycled at LANL due to a long-term strategy to treat wastewater rather than discharging it into the environment.

Eight LANL researchers named 2011 APS Fellows

December 23, 2011—The American Physical Society (APS) has selected eight LANL scientists as 2011 Fellows. The APS is a nonprofit organization working to advance the knowledge of physics through its research journals, scientific meetings, outreach, advocacy, and international activities.

Update on LANL environmental cleanup activities to be given at January 5 CAB meeting

December 23, 2011—Representatives from the New Mexico Environment Department, LANL, and the Los Alamos Site Office will present information on environmental cleanup priorities and activities planned over the next two years at a special meeting of the Northern New Mexico Citizens’ Advisory Board.

Technology improvements help accelerate waste shipments

December 14, 2011—LANL’s TRU Waste Program recently achieved a milestone when it shipped several boxes of mixed low-level legacy waste to a licensed disposal facility.

Nicholas: Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Fellow

December 14, 2011—The Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) elected Nancy Jo Nicholas of the Laboratory's Global Security Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security Program Office to the rank of Fellow in recognition of her distinguished contributions to the field of nonproliferation and nuclear security.

Lujan Center aids understanding of model membranes

December 13, 2011—Model membranes on solid supports have important applications for biophysical studies and novel biosensors. However, interactions between the solid support and membrane components could have a negative effect on the membrane’s architecture and physical properties.

Frank Pabian named Visiting Fellow at Stanford's CISAC

December 1, 2011—Frank Pabian of LANL's International Research and Analysis group will serve an eight-month appointment at the Stanford Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) as a Visiting Fellow.

Program earns completion certificates for remediation efforts

November 22, 2011—The LANL Corrective Actions Program received 83 certificates of completion from the New Mexico Environment Department for remediating environmental sites on current and former Lab property during fiscal year 2011.

McMillan, NNSA officials address safety board

November 21, 2011—Laboratory Director Charlie McMillan joined a panel of high-ranking officials to address the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board at the start of a seven-hour public meeting and hearing in Santa Fe on Thursday (November 17).

Two Lab computer systems in top 10 of TOP500 listing

November 21, 2011—The TOP500 project was started in 1993 to provide a reliable basis for tracking and detecting trends in high-performance computing. Twice a year, a list of the 500 most powerful computer systems is announced.

Dane Spearing named a 2011 American Ceramic Society Fellow

November 14, 2011—Dane R. Spearing is among the American Ceramic Society’s (ACS) 2011 Class of Fellows. The Society’s Panel of Fellows selected the 20 new Fellows, which includes members from around the globe, based on outstanding contributions in scholarship, industry, or service to the Society.

Atomic magnetometers used to make ultra-low field MRI

November 7, 2011—LANL researchers are developing a system to make ultra-low field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) commercially viable for medical applications.

Community leaders briefed at quarterly breakfast meeting

November 3, 2011—A short video story about the latest Community Leaders Breakfast is now on the LANL YouTube Channel.

A winning hand at Technical Area 51: ACES Complex opens

October 27, 2011—Over the summer, significant investment went into refurbishing Technical Area 51, a facility occupied by the Laboratory's Earth and Environmental Sciences Division. The renovated facility was christened “ACES,” for Atmosphere, Climate, and Ecosystem Science.

Parney Albright named director of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

October 27, 2011—Penrose "Parney" C. Albright has been named director of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

McMillan outlines priorities to legislators

October 27, 2011—Director Charlie McMillan told a state legislative committee Tuesday (October 25) that his top priorities for the future are to deliver on LANL's commitments to the nation through science, teaming, and innovation.

Paul Burgardt named American Welding Society Fellow

October 27, 2011—Paul Burgardt of the Laboratory's Metallurgy group has been selected as a 2011 American Welding Society (AWS) Fellow.

Apply for new Marie Curie Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow appointment for women until Nov. 15

October 25, 2011—LANL's new Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow appointment, the Marie Curie Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, is open to outstanding women scientists and engineers of all nationalities.

New deputy, Michael Burns, has experience helping to keep nation safe

October 21, 2011—Michael J. Burns has been chosen as deputy principal associate director for Global Security. Burns's appointment was announced this week by Terry Wallace, principal associate director for Global Security.

Beverly Agnew dies at 91

October 18, 2011—Beverly Agnew, the wife of the Laboratory's third director, Harold Agnew, died October 11 in Solana Beach, California, where the Agnews have lived for more than 30 years.

NNSA issues amended Record of Decision to build nuclear facility at LANL

October 13, 2011—The National Nuclear Security Administration has issued an Amended Record of Decision concerning the Nuclear Facility portion of the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement project.

LANL takes delivery of new unclassified supercomputer

October 6, 2011—The Los Alamos National Laboratory's Institutional Computing Program is installing a new supercomputer nicknamed "Mustang."

Lab, subcontractors help flood-damaged Santa Clara Pueblo

October 6, 2011—LANL and a consortium of major subcontractors, including EnergySolutions and Frank's Supply Company, teamed to help Santa Clara Pueblo this week as families there struggle with the effects of flooding caused by the Las Conchas Fire.

LANL develops first genetically engineered "magnetic" algae

September 27, 2011—LANL scientists have genetically engineered "magnetic" algae to investigate alternative, more efficient harvesting and lipid extraction methods for biofuels. The researchers seek to reduce the cost of algae-based biofuel production.

Pesiri to lead Technology Transfer Division

September 22, 2011—David Pesiri has been named the new leader of the Los Alamos National Laboratory's Technology Transfer Division, replacing Steve Girrens (Associate Director for Engineering).

Three LANL scientists named ASM Fellows

September 20, 2011—Robert Field, Deniece Korzekwa, and Amit Misra were selected as ASM Fellows for their distinguished contributions in the field of materials science and engineering by the ASM International board of trustees.

Making metamaterials with sound waves in five minutes or less

September 8, 2011—LANL researchers Dipen Sinha, Farid Mitri, and Fernando Garzon of the Laboratory's Sensors and Electrochemical Devices group have achieved an important step in metamaterials development: they've developed fast and inexpensive tools for engineering these materials.

Los Alamos team aids understanding of astrophysical mystery

September 8, 2011—Thanks to the Los Alamos RAGE computer code and a series of supercomputers, a research team now understands more about how observed shock waves, knots, and filamentary structures in these supersonic glowing jets evolve in the stellar environment.

Radiation detection instrument receives patent

September 1, 2011—Scientists from the Los Alamos National Laboratory's Physics, Intelligence and Space Research, and Nuclear Non-proliferation divisions and collaborators from the Raytheon Company recently received a patent for a "Multimodal Radiation Imager."

Sanitary Effluent Reclamation Facility goes online

August 22, 2011—The Laboratory’s recommissioned Sanitary Effluent Reclamation Facility (SERF) at Technical Area 3 is scheduled to go back online this week. The 4,350-square-foot facility is located east of the TA-3 Steam Plant.

"Thank You" event August 25

August 18, 2011—A community-wide event to personally thank the firefighters, first responders and others who helped keep Los Alamos safe during the Las Conchas fire will be held at Ashley Pond from 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, August 25.

Farmington Fire Department wins 2011 HAZMAT Challenge

August 8, 2011—The 2011 HAZMAT Challenge concluded last week with the Farmington Fire Department coming in first overall and first in technical events. The Farmington Fire Department also did well in last year's competition, finishing third overall.

New TRU processing line will reduce legacy waste

August 5, 2011—A new waste-processing capability allows Los Alamos National Laboratory to repackage oversized transuranic (TRU) waste containers and accelerate inventory reduction of TRU waste at TA-54, Area G.

McMillan thanks community leaders for support during fire

August 4, 2011—Los Alamos National Laboratory Director Charlie McMillan thanked nearly 200 invited community leaders last Thursday (August 4) for the support LANL received during the recent Las Conchas Fire and said he looks forward to a continued, positive relationship with LANL's neighbors.

LANL innovation: Harvesting concentrated biofuel from algae

August 4, 2011—Scientists are optimizing the R&D 100 award-winning Ultrasonic Algal Biofuel Harvester to obtain concentrated biofuel from algae.

ChemCam and Mars Science Laboratory get final destination

July 26, 2011—After months of analysis and discussion, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory rover team has picked a landing site on which the rover's adventures can begin.

Las Conchas Recovery Challenge Fund created at LANB

July 13, 2011—Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS) has given $50,000 as seed money to establish a fund at Los Alamos National Bank to reimburse area businesses that provided goods and services during the Las Conchas Fire. Employees and the public can make a donation to the fund at any LANB branch in Los Alamos, Santa Fe, or Albuquerque.

Check out the new Facebook page for LANL volunteers related to Las Conchas Fire

July 12, 2011—Learn about volunteer opportunities related to the Las Conchas Fire by going to a new Facebook page.

Volunteering makes for good neighbors

July 11, 2011—More than 200 eligible nonprofit organizations received monetary donations from Los Alamos National Security, LLC at a volunteer recognition event June 22 on the Fuller Lodge lawn.

Tips to protect yourself from wildfires

June 24, 2011—As Northern New Mexico communities experience the fallout from Arizona and New Mexico fires, employees are increasingly thinking about how to reduce danger to their homes and workplaces from wildfires. One way to achieve this is by creating defensible space, a practice that becomes especially salient when employees are sheltering in place.

LANL students get rare, exclusive visit to Trinity Site

June 23, 2011—It happens only twice a year for the general public—but summer students at LANL were given special access this month (June 14) to tour the Trinity Site, where Manhattan Project scientists conducted the world’s first atomic blast in 1945.

Civil Air Patrol volunteers spot Pacheco Fire

June 23, 2011—Lab employees Mike Strevell of Project Management, and Bill Wolfe of Fire Protection provided the initial report of the Pacheco Canyon forest fire currently burning near the Santa Fe Ski Basin.

Fukushima disaster: LANL scientist offers insights

June 21, 2011—Lab air specialist Mike McNaughton talked about local radiation readings following the Fukushima Daiichi disaster during an interview on local radio station KRSN AM 1490 set to air Thursday morning (June 23).

Summer adventure offers glimpse into the past

June 20, 2011—With its "Summer Adventures in History and Science" program, the Bradbury Science Museum teams up with community partners to offer unique, hands-on history and science experiences for the entire family that are as entertaining as they are educational.

Lab's instruments ready to measure Vesta

June 16, 2011—Carrying a gamma-ray and neutron detector developed at LANL, NASA's Dawn spacecraft is en route to study the asteroid Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres.

"Terrywallaceite" now in official roster of known minerals

June 8, 2011—The Laboratory’s principal associate director for Science, Technology and Engineering has been granted the unusual and prestigious honor of having a mineral named after him.

Air quality alert: take precautions

June 7, 2011—The New Mexico Department of Health has issued an air quality alert due to various wildfires blowing smoke into the region. Laboratory employees, especially those with respiratory illnesses or heart disease and the elderly, should avoid outdoor exercise and keep windows and doors closed.

"Produced water" used to grow algae for biofuels

June 7, 2011—Scientists recently conducted the first pilot-scale test of algae growth using water from an oil-production well in Jal, New Mexico. This impure water, called "produced water," is pumped to the surface concurrently with the extraction of oil, gas, and coal bed methane from underground formations.

"Indigenous People" June 7 kicks off Summer Adventures series

June 7, 2011—With its "Summer Adventures in History and Science" program, the Bradbury Science Museum teams up with community partners to offer unique, hands-on history and science experiences for the entire family that are as entertaining as they are educational.

Congratulatory messages to Charlie McMillan

May 27, 2011—Messages of congratulations were offered to Charlie McMillan on his appointment as the next LANL director.

23rd Rosen Prize goes to Shoemaker

May 27, 2011—Daniel P. Shoemaker, a postdoctoral fellow at Argonne National Laboratory, is the winner of the 23rd Rosen Prize. The prize, established in honor of Louis Rosen, the father of LANSCE, is awarded for the most outstanding doctoral or master's thesis based on experimental or theoretical research performed at LANSCE.

Hundreds learn legacy of Louis Rosen

May 25, 2011—Rosenfest Lectures, in honor of Louis Rosen, the Father of the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF), now known as the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE), gave the public a rare opportunity to hear about the eclectic science conducted at LANL’s signature science facility.

Higdon named American Statistical Association Fellow

May 24, 2011—David Higdon of the Laboratory's Statistical Sciences is a new American Statistical Association (ASA) Fellow. The designation of Fellow has been a superlative honor in ASA for more than 90 years. Fellows have made outstanding contributions in some aspect of statistical work.

Nobel Laureates to meet with outstanding LANL students

May 23, 2011—Two outstanding Laboratory students will be attending the 61st Meeting of Nobel Laureates o be held June 26 to July 1 in Lindau, Germany. Graduate students Dominique Price and Michael Jablin have been selected to attend the event.

CMRR Environmental Study: How you can comment

May 19, 2011—A series of hearings and written comment periods will give the public, including LANL employees, opportunities to weigh in on environmental aspects of key LANL and NNSA activities.

Planets with no sun to circle are focus of study

May 19, 2011—Free-floating planets, long predicted, have finally been observed by a New Zealand/Japanese survey, NASA reports. The orphan planet study, led by Takahiro Sumi from Osaka University in Japan, appears in the May 19 issue of the journal Nature.

Lab seeks permit to continue detonating high-explosive waste

May 17, 2011—Lab officials will host a public meeting from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday (May 18) in White Rock to discuss LANL’s application to continue safely detonating high-explosive (HE) wastes.

Lab to discuss runoff controls at public meeting

May 17, 2011—LANL experts on Tuesday (May 17) will describe how the Lab is complying with a new EPA stormwater permit that regulates runoff at several hundred Cold War-era environmental sites.

Lab researchers investigate ice-mass loss from Greenland's Mittivakkat glacier

May 17, 2011—Warming in the Arctic during the past several decades has caused Greenland's ice sheet and outlet glaciers to thin and retreat. The lost ice mass makes a growing contribution to global sea-level rise.

Rosenfest will provide diverse program of lectures and events

May 12, 2011—The upcoming Rosenfest Lectures on May 18-20 hold something for everyone. A series of lectures in honor of Louis Rosen, founder of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE), will highlight the past and future for LANL’s signature science facility.

P2 awards recognize more than 400 employees

May 9, 2011—LANL's 2011 Pollution Prevention Awards Ceremony, held April 21 on the lawn at Fuller Lodge, honored more than 400 Lab employees for their success in incorporating pollution prevention strategies—reducing pollution, enhancing operations, saving money, or reducing environmental impacts—into their daily work.

James N. Johnson wins George E. Duvall Shock Compression Science Award

May 3, 2011—James N. Johnson has received the American Physical Society’s 2011 George E. Duvall Shock Compression Science Award. A longtime Lab employee and retiree, Johnson currently serves as a consultant in the Laboratory's Physics and Chemistry of Materials group.

Hecker interviewed for TV documentary about Pete Domenici

April 28, 2011—Former Lab Director Sigfried Hecker was interviewed on camera in his LANL office last week for a television documentary about former U.S. Senator Pete Domenici scheduled to air this fall in New Mexico, stations and times to be announced.

Paul Johnson named American Geophysical Union Fellow

April 25, 2011—Paul Johnson of the Laboratory's Geophysics group has been selected as a 2011 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fellow.

New hydro power project brings Lab closer to goals

April 25, 2011—Nearly half of LANL's renewable energy goals for 2013 will be met, thanks to a new low-flow hydroelectric turbine now running at Los Alamos County's Abiquiu power facility.

Everyday heroes help out during gas outage

April 14, 2011—When the emergency call came in to the Lab’s Maintenance and Site Services (MSS) Division on February 4, Division Leader Sue Waylett and her team were concerned. About 32,000 New Mexicans had lost natural gas service in the midst of a deep freeze.

Celebrating 10 years of successful small-business assistance

April 14, 2011—The New Mexico Small Business Assistance (NMSBA) program recently celebrated "10 Years of Innovation" at an event in Albuquerque.

Amit Misra receives Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award

April 12, 2011—Amit Misra of the Laboratory's Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies was honored with the 2011 Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award from the Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division (MPMD) of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) at its recent annual meeting in San Diego.

Jamil Farshchi receives Compass Award

April 11, 2011—Chief Information Security Officer Jamil Farshchi received the 2011 Compass Award from CSO Magazine for his achievements in change leadership and for creating a strategic planning framework that aligns security with organizational goals.

Big hearts, little shoes

April 11, 2011—Thanks to employees’ generosity, hundreds of less fortunate Northern New Mexico kids, as well as people in need in Haiti and Pakistan, recently received shoes.

Site restoration complete at former Cold War-era facility

April 4, 2011—Crews have completed grading and site restoration at the former site of a cluster of buildings on the east end of Technical Area 21.

Lab directors, NNSA administrator speak at Senate Armed Services subcommittee hearing

March 31, 2011—Laboratory Director Michael Anastasio, NNSA Administrator Tom D'Agostino, and the directors of Sandia and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories spoke on March 30 to the Senate Armed Services Committee's Subcommittee on Strategic Forces about President Obama's fiscal year 2012 budget request.

New scholarship for Eddy County students

March 28, 2011—High school seniors and undergraduate students in Eddy County in southeastern New Mexico have an opportunity to apply for a college scholarship to pursue a science, technology, math, or engineering degree, thanks to the generosity of Laboratory employees working at Carlsbad and Los Alamos National Security, LLC.

Nastasi named Materials Research Society Fellow

March 21, 2011—Michael Nastasi of the Laboratory's Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies has been selected as a 2011 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fellow. The Fellows are outstanding MRS members whose sustained and distinguished contributions to the advancement of materials research are internationally recognized.

EYH Conference debunks myths about girls and science

March 21, 2011—The myth that girls are less interested in math and science than boys just got busted. More than 80 young women from New Mexico middle and high schools attended this year's Expanding Your Horizons in Math and Science™ Conference.

Water flea genome: a sentinel for the environment

March 16, 2011—The journal Science has published the recently completed 200-million base-pair genome sequence of the water flea, Daphnia pulex. The DNA code is the largest number of genes ever recorded for a multicellular animal (more than in the human genome), and one-third are of unknown function.

New Human Resources division leader selected

March 15, 2011—Donna J. Hampton has been named the new Human Resources Division leader. She replaces Ben Glover, who will be leaving the Laboratory to pursue other interests.

Carlos Tomé honored at TMS symposium

March 1, 2011—Carlos Tomé of the Laboratory's Structure/Property Relations group is being recognized for his contributions to the field of Mechanical Behavior of Polycrystalline Materials during a symposium at the 2011 TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society) Annual Meeting (February 27 to March 3) in San Diego, California.

Citizens Advisory Board learns how LANL protects water

February 24, 2011—Members of the Northern New Mexico Citizens Advisory Board learned about how LANL monitors groundwater. The CAB is a DOE-chartered board that makes recommendations about LANL legacy cleanup.

LANL worker wins Lineman-of-the-Year Award

February 23, 2011—Daniel Trujillo, a journeyman lineman in the Laboratory's Central Shop Operations, has received the International Apprentice Lineman-of-the-Year award from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

Possibility of primitive energy-harnessing system

February 23, 2011—LANL scientists recently conducted research that may prove the possibility of energy transfer and storage during Earth's prebiotic era-before living things.

The right Toole for the job

February 18, 2011—Speaking before the New Mexico House Energy and Natural Resources Committee Feb. 16, LANL scientist Loren Toole offered a technical overview of the "conceptual underpinnings" of New Mexico’s recent natural gas outage, an event that threw several thousand New Mexico households into a winter deep freeze for days.

Los Alamos radio station features TA-21 pollution prevention

February 17, 2011—Al Chaloupka, program manager for the Material Disposal Area B cleanup project, was interviewed about his team's use of OREX protective suits.

Talk examines options for dealing with Earth-bound asteroids

February 15, 2011—Laboratory scientist Catherine Plesko will talk about asteroids at three Café Scientifique talks in Española, Santa Fe, and Los Alamos. Plesko will discuss the various options of dealing with Earth-bound asteroids, which are being explored using Earth-based computer simulations and small experiments.

Space-saving bulb crusher used Labwide

February 14, 2011—LANL this month expanded the use of a fluorescent bulb-crushing machine to handle waste bulbs Labwide. It’s a move that could save tens of thousands of dollars in waste disposal fees and will prevent mercury from escaping into the environment.

New quantum-based technologies help ensure cyber security

February 9, 2011—In today's technological world, the information passed through optical fiber networks every second is as valuable as currency, but often the security is not adequate for growing network capabilities and the threats against them. LANL researchers are helping address these cyber security threats through two recently unveiled technologies.

Dissolving suits save money, protect environment

February 8, 2011—LANL will save more than $800,000 and reduce the amount of material sent to a landfill by expanding the use of protective clothing made from a revolutionary recyclable fabric.

Luján Applauds LANL’s Efforts During Gas Outage

February 8, 2011—I want to extend my sincere thanks to everyone at Los Alamos National Laboratory for their efforts during the gas outage. The LANL community came together to assist those struggling to get through this crisis, from reducing energy consumption to providing assistance to those without heat.

LANL powers down in emergency

February 7, 2011—When an extraordinary cold spell last week caused natural gas wells to clog up and gas was cut off to area communities, Laboratory infrastructure staff went into action. "Freeze offs" and rolling electrical blackouts at the well sites in West Texas, it seems, had destabilized the flow of natural gas down the supply pipelines into New Mexico, and the gas supplier determined that shutting down key pipelines would prevent a more catastrophic failure of the larger system. As a result, the Laboratory switched its central steam heating and power generation source from natural gas to diesel fuel that afternoon.

Another section complete at Manhattan Project landfill

February 3, 2011—With excavation complete, crews are placing clean soil in the second of seven sections of Material Disposal Area B along DP Road at TA-21.

AIDS research pioneer dies

February 2, 2011—Laboratory Fellow and AIDS research pioneer Gerald "Gerry" Myers died at his Santa Fe home on January 25.

Gregory Kubas wins inorganic chemistry award

February 1, 2011—The Fred Basolo Medal for outstanding research in inorganic chemistry was awarded to Gregory Kubas of the Lab's Inorganic, Isotope, and Actinide Chemistry group by Northwestern University and the American Chemical Society's Chicago Section.

Scott Crooker and William Daughton named APS Fellows

January 31, 2011—Scott Crooker of the Lab's Condensed Matter and Magnet Science group and William Daughton of the Plasma Theory and Applications group have been named American Physical Society Fellows.

Lab completes excavation at TA-15 landfill

January 31, 2011—LANL subcontractor crews last month completed an important environmental milestone: excavation at another former material disposal area. It’s the eighth disposal area to be excavated, or otherwise completed, of 26 across the Lab slated for remediation.

Simulated nuclear test site inspection

January 27, 2011—Watch a video about an inspection of a simulated nuclear test site by a team of United Nations specialists from the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization.

Greenland icesheet may reach "tipping point" in near future

January 26, 2011—By combining observations and modeling, Sebastian Mernild of LANL's Computational Physics and Methods group and his colleagues concluded that Greenland's glaciers have not fully responded to global temperature increases and could be seriously affected and reach a "tipping point" in the near future.

Lab wins prestigious technology transfer awards

January 24, 2011—LANL has received two 2011 Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) awards for excellence in Technology Transfer. The highly prestigious award honors scientists and research organizations that successfully advance their technologies from the laboratory to the marketplace.

New 3D tracking microscope allows scientists to follow individual molecules in live cells

January 20, 2011—Scientists with the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies have developed a 3D tracking microscope to follow three-dimensional movement of individual protein molecules inside live cells.

Community leaders receive Lab update

January 13, 2011—Laboratory Director Michael Anastasio talked to area community leaders about Laboratory programs and his recent retirement announcement at a regional community leaders breakfast January 11.

Choudhury receives professional development award

January 6, 2011—Samrat Choudhury of the Laboratory's Structure/Property Relations group has received the 2011 Young Leader Professional Development Award from The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.

Leadership changes in Prime Contract Office and ADCLES

December 23, 2010—Steve Shook joins the Laboratory as director of the Prime Contract Management Office. Nan Sauer will serve as acting associate director for Chemistry, Life, and Earth Science.

Curry ruling on open burning

December 23, 2010—New Mexico Environment Secretary Ron Curry this week granted a LANL motion allowing the Lab to continue open burning of high explosive residues while a supplemental permit application is prepared and filed.

Lab researcher recognized by French Acoustic Society

December 22, 2010—Paul A. Johnson of LANL's Geophysics group received the Médaille Étrangère from the Société Française d'Acoustique (French Acoustic Society). He was nominated for his work in geophysics, medicine and nondestructive evaluation, as well as his work with French students.

Scientists celebrate "finishing" 500th genome

December 16, 2010—The finishing team for the Genome Science (B-6) Group recently celebrated a record year, "finishing" its 500th genome and completing 151 genomes for the DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI) and more than 20 additional genomes for other sponsors, such as the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security.

LANL makes progress on town site cleanup projects

December 16, 2010—The New Mexico Environment Department has granted LANL "certificates of completion" on 21 environmental sites on former Lab property in the Los Alamos town site. A certificate of completion means that no further remediation action is needed at a site.

NNSA recognizes LANL for meeting mission goals

December 13, 2010—The National Nuclear Security Administration recently highlighted a number of program goals met by the Laboratory during fiscal year 2010. For a list of the program goals that were met, see the Los Alamos Site Office's news release.

Research Library team wins 2010 Digital Preservation Award

December 9, 2010—Herbert Van de Sompel, Robert Sanderson, Lyudmila Balakireva, and Harihar Shankar of the Laboratory's Research Library and collaborators at Old Dominion University have won the 2010 Digital Preservation Award for Memento, a framework for time travel on the web.

Quantum dots breakthrough is a boon to bioimaging research

December 7, 2010—Jennifer Hollingsworth of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Physical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy group and a team of researchers have developed an inorganic shell approach to suppress “blinking” in nanocrystal quantum dots (NQDs).

NMED Secretary Curry issues ruling on LANL hazardous waste permit

December 1, 2010—Tuesday afternoon, New Mexico Environment Department Secretary Ron Curry issued his final ruling on LANL's hazardous waste permit. Curry granted the 10-year permit renewal, allowing storage and management of hazardous waste at certain Lab locations, but denied the Lab's application for open burning of high-explosive wastes.

Multi-million dollar energy efficiency project begins

December 1, 2010—Late last Wednesday, after most of the Laboratory had headed home for the Thanksgiving holiday, a small crew officially started work on a much-anticipated $28 million energy efficiency project.

Scientists predict characteristics of cities

December 1, 2010—Cities are some of the most complex human organizations, yet they share remarkably similar characteristics as they grow in size. The developed world is already about 80% urban, and the rest of the world is expected to follow suit by 2050. Urbanization defines much of what we can expect to experience in our homes, work, and social interactions.

LANS invests in SFCC's Sustainable Technologies Center

November 30, 2010—Los Alamos National Security, LLC invested $100,000 in Santa Fe Community College's Sustainable Technologies Center. The funds will be used to support the center's operating costs, and salaries of instructors in the program.

Feed the 500 a huge success

November 24, 2010—Lab employees again demonstrated their generosity by donating 560 turkeys and enough nonperishable food items to fill 688 food baskets during the Feed the 500 initiative, which ended Tuesday.

New computational method helps trace HIV outbreak

November 23, 2010—Thomas Leitner of the Laboratory's Theoretical Biology and Biophysics group and collaborators at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden analyzed a recent outbreak of HIV among injecting drug users in Stockholm, Sweden using a new computational method developed by Lietner for genetic analyses.

Employees demonstrate generosity, caring

November 23, 2010—Phase one of the Lab's annual holiday drive concludes today with Take a Turkey to Work Day. As of Monday afternoon, 488 boxes of food items had been boxed by employee volunteers with food items still coming in.

Alan Graham elected 2010 AIChE Fellow

November 17, 2010—Alan Graham of the Laboratory’s Applied Electromagnetics group has been named a 2010 Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Bradbury Science Museum on Travel Channel tonight

November 16, 2010—The Laboratory's Bradbury Science Museum is in the spotlight tonight on the Travel Channel's Mysteries at the Museum series. The show airs at 7 p.m., Mountain Standard Time.

Five selected as LANL Fellows

November 15, 2010—Five Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists from diverse fields of research have been named Laboratory Fellows. The researchers are Brenda Dingus, William (Bill) Louis, John Sarrao, Dipen Sinha, and Giday Woldegabriel.

Tokyo physics professor is new Seaborg Scholar

November 10, 2010—University of Tokyo physics professor Hiroshi Yasuoka this month began a nine-month appointment as the Seaborg Scholar at Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Glenn T. Seaborg Institute.

LANL fuel-cell paper declared a “classic”

November 10, 2010—The Electrochemical Society recently deemed a LANL research article, "Polymer Electrolyte Fuel-Cell Model," a "classic" paper for its significant impact on fuel-cell research. The article focused on the development of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) model that enabled efficient and clean energy conversion.

Two Lab researchers named ASME Fellows

November 10, 2010—Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers Michael Prime of the Advanced Engineering Analysis group and Edward Rodriguez of the Weapons Directorate have been named 2010 Fellows of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Lab scientist wins Presidential Early Career Award for work in condensed-matter physics

November 9, 2010—Physicist Eric Bauer of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Condensed Matter and Magnet Science has won a 2010 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.

Lab wins awards at FLC regional meeting

November 3, 2010—LANL recently won three awards at the 2010 Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) Mid-Continent and Far West Regional Meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The FLC is a nationwide network of federal laboratories that strives to link laboratory-developed technologies and expertise with the private sector.

Breakfast, flag-raising, and fun walk part of Veterans Day celebration Nov. 9

November 3, 2010—The Laboratory will honor veterans at the annual veterans breakfast, flag-raising ceremony, and fun run/walk on Tuesday, November 9.

Prevention and management of oral diseases may get a boost

October 28, 2010—LANL scientistsalong with collaborators from the University of Oklahoma have completed the first gene catalog of the community of microorganisms in human healthy dental plaque.

New technology may help nation's port-of-entry and border security

October 21, 2010—LANL researchers and collaborators from MER Corporation and Sandia National Laboratories have developed an oxide ceramic scintillator with high optical transparency that ultimately may be used in the detection and verification of shielded special nuclear material at the nation's ports of entry and in large panels for radiation monitoring along unattended U.S. air, land, and sea borders.

NNSA holds scoping sessions for CMRR environmental study

October 21, 2010—Dozens of citizens turned out this week for NNSA's public meetings to gather input on what should be studied in a new supplemental environmental impact statement for the CMRR project.

With LANL help, students learn about water quality during massive Rio sampling event

October 21, 2010—In the biggest simultaneous sampling event ever along the Rio Grande, students from 40 schools in the U.S. and 17 in Mexico—ranging from the headwaters in southern Colorado to the estuary in the Gulf of Mexico—waded in and tested the waters.

High-Tech Halloween is Oct. 29 at Bradbury Science Museum

October 21, 2010—When does science get spooktacular? To find out, climb into your costume and head on over to the Bradbury Science Museum for “High-Tech Halloween!” Back for its 17th year, the creepy educational event is from 4 to 7 p.m. October 29.

Help needed in elk-shooting investigation

October 21, 2010—Do you know anything about the illegal shooting of a bull elk near Valles Caldera National Preserve and in close proximity to Laboratory property? If so, Emergency Management and Response asks that you contact the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.

Former Director Browne, Lab scientists to discuss future of nuclear weapons

October 19, 2010—A talk by Richard Rhodes, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb and Twilight of the Bombs, will be followed by a discussion between the author and a panel of experts, including former Laboratory Director John Browne and other Los Alamos scientists. The talk is from 1 to 4 p.m. Oct. 23 in the Forum at Santa Fe University of Art & Design (formerly College of Santa Fe), 1600 St. Michael’s Drive.

Public gets opportunity to weigh in on CMRR environmental study

October 18, 2010—NNSA will hold two public scoping meetings this week in New Mexico to gather input on what should be studied in a supplemental environmental impact statement for the CMRR facility.

New deputy principal director for Weapons Infrastructure selected

October 15, 2010—Craig Leasure is the new deputy principal director for Weapons Programs responsible for the coordination, management, and integration of the Weapons Infrastructure Program.

Next generation MagViz technology demonstrated at Albuquerque International Airport

October 15, 2010—Visitors to the Albuquerque International Sunport found a high-tech security demonstration underway on Wednesday (October 13) when a next-generation liquid- and gel-scanning system for airport travelers was demonstrated for the public, media, congressional staff and U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials.

October Connections newsletter highlights Lab's impact in local communities

October 13, 2010—Helping to improve math and science teaching in area schools. Supporting today's students to become tomorrow's high-tech employees and science literate adults. These and more news items are highlighted in the October issue of the Connections newsletter now online.

New PADGS associate director for Threat Identification and Response named

October 12, 2010—Scott Gibbs has been named associate director for Threat Identification and Response, a newly created position within the Global Security Principal Associate Directorate.

National Science Foundation funds Computer Systems Research Center at the New Mexico Consortium in Los Alamos

October 7, 2010—The National Science Foundation awarded $10 million to the New Mexico Consortium (NMC), the Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Utah, and the University of New Mexico, to build and operate the Parallel Reconfigurable Observational Environment (PRObE), a computer systems research center.

NNSA to analyze environmental impact of Chemical and Metallurgy Research Replacement Project

October 7, 2010—The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has published a notice of intent in the Federal Register detailing its decision to prepare a supplemental environmental impact statement for construction and operation of the Laboratory's Chemical and Metallurgy Research Replacement facility.

Lab's Safety Short program wins prestigious DOE Innovation Award

October 6, 2010—The Laboratory recently received the Department of Energy Voluntary Protection Program’s Innovation Award for its Safety Short program of videos, fliers, and posters at a DOE-VPP conference in Orlando, Florida.

Talk Thursday at UNM explores role of S&T in transforming global health

October 6, 2010—The Lab's Community Programs Office invites employees and the public to a talk about the importance of science and technology to transforming global health on October 7.

LANL posts latest Environmental Surveillance Report

October 4, 2010—The Laboratory's 2009 Environmental Surveillance Report is now online. "Environmental Surveillance at Los Alamos during 2009" describes the results of the Laboratory's monitoring of air, surface water, groundwater, storm water, sediments, soils, and biota.

Learn about distracted driving during Drive Safely Work Week

October 4, 2010—The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) has announced October 4-8 as Drive Safely Work Week. The NETS and National Safety Council websites have extensive information on distracted driving, including an excellent research-based article.

Officially off the books: DOE approves completion of first LANL Recovery Act project

October 1, 2010—The building is down, the rubble is gone, and LANL has obtained the Department of Energy’s first “CD-4” approval for a Recovery Act capital project.

Lab's social media links now on homepages

October 1, 2010—Social media is all the rage for those who want to stay up to the minute. Now with just a click of an icon on the Lab’s external homepage, keep up with LANL news, views, sights and sounds through Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube.

LANL lends its scientific expertise to clean energy and carbon sequestration projects

September 29, 2010—Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu recently announced that as part of the DOE Fossil Energy Program, the agency is funding large, complementary projects that will focus on clean energy and carbon sequestration. And LANL is deeply involved in two of these projects - the Clean Coal Center and the Carbon Capture and Storage Simulation Initiative.

The Triple Crown of R&D 100 Awards: Lab researcher wins prestigious award three years in a row

September 29, 2010—In 1963, the editors of R&D Magazine established the annual R&D 100 Awards competition to identify the 100 most technologically significant new products of the year from multiple disciplines. James Maxwell of the Lab's Nuclear Counterterrorism Response has enjoyed such recognition for his work for the past three years in a row.

Safe water: LANL flotilla sets off down Rio Grande

September 29, 2010—Mist rose from the Rio Grande early Monday morning, as crews prepared a dozen inflatable rafts for LANL’s annual four-day float trip to sample remote springs which emerge near the river.

Another dome down and one step closer to TA-54 closure

September 28, 2010—Last Thursday, the Laboratory began demolishing Dome 281, a 4,100 sq. ft. metal and fabric dome at Technical Area 54.

Tour of historic Trinity Site set for Saturday, October 2

September 27, 2010—Reservations can still be made for the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History's semi-annual Trinity Site tour on Saturday, October 2.

Lab's Daniel Trujillo wins apprentice lineman competition

September 24, 2010—Daniel Trujillo, a Maintenance and Site Services Division lineman, recently won the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers’ Seventh District Southwestern Line Constructors’ Apprentice-of-the-Year competition.

Lab researchers discover novel approach to antireflection coating

September 23, 2010—Houtong Chen, Jiangfeng Zhou, John O'Hara, Frank Chen, and Abul Azad of the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (MPA-CINT) and Antoinette Taylor of Materials Physics and Applications Division (MPA-DO) have discovered a novel approach to antireflection coating.

New Science on Wheels programs focus on renewable energy

September 22, 2010—The Bradbury Science Museum’s Science on Wheels educational program is offering new, renewable energy-related workshops.

Cost savings help Lab add additional well to Recovery Act project

September 22, 2010—Part of the $212 million in Recovery Act environmental projects at LANL was the installation of 16 groundwater monitoring wells.

Bradbury Science Museum takes part in Smithsonian’s Museum Day September 25

September 21, 2010—The Bradbury Science Museum is participating for the sixth year in the Smithsonian’s Museum Day on Saturday, September 25.

R&D winner Scott Watson presents "world's fastest camera" on KRSN 1490 AM

September 17, 2010—Scott Watson of Advanced Nuclear Technology (N-2), who won a prestigious 2010 R&D 100 award for his extreme slow motion camera MOXIE, an acronym for "Movies Of eXtreme Imaging Experiments," spoke about the technology on local radio station KRSN AM 1490.

Lab researchers developing affordable, flexible, and rapid prototyping option for lab-on-a-chip applications

September 13, 2010—Los Alamos researchers have demonstrated the ability to fabricate robust components with a variety of microfluidic functions. The process is an affordable, flexible, and rapid prototyping option for lab-on-a-chip applications.

Scientists tout importance of research at LDRD Day

September 10, 2010—More than 40 scientists and researchers discussed their Laboratory Directed Research and Development-funded research at the second annual LDRD Day Wednesday at the Buffalo Thunder Hotel in Pojoaque.

Sen. Udall tours LANL Recovery Act cleanup sites

September 8, 2010—New Mexico Senator Tom Udall toured Recovery Act cleanup sites at the Lab's Technical Area 21 on Tuesday.

Lab researcher named Fellow of American Ceramic Society

September 2, 2010—Quanxi Jia of the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies at Los Alamos has been selected as a 2010 American Ceramic Society Fellow for his outstanding contributions to the ceramic arts or sciences.

Lab attracts record number of students this summer

August 31, 2010—This year, the Laboratory attracted a record number of student interns, giving them the opportunity to conduct exciting and important research in a wide range of disciplines.

Seven Lab employees to serve on Los Alamos Employees' Scholarship Fund advisory committee

August 27, 2010—Seven Laboratory employees recently were elected to serve three-year terms on the Los Alamos Employees' Scholarship Fund scholarship advisory committee. Elected were Clare Webber, Leo Jaramillo, Claudette Chavez, Phillip Goldstone, Randy Erickson, Craig Leasure, and Phil Tubesing.

2009 Distinguished Performance Award winners announced

August 26, 2010—Five individuals, five small teams, and seven large teams are receiving 2009 Distinguished Performance Awards, a program that recognizes job performance above and beyond what is normally expected.

NNSA Defense Programs chief to tour Lab, have All-Employee Meeting

August 26, 2010—The new NNSA Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs, Don Cook, will spend two days touring key facilities and getting a wide variety of briefings at the Laboratory starting Monday, August 30.

Lab researcher receives prestigious Fulbright Scholar Award

Nathan G. McDowell of Earth Systems Observations (EES-14) has received a Fulbright Scholar Award. The 10-month award will enable him to study vegetation mortality patterns and mechanisms, carbon cycling, and climate in the European Union. McDowell will be based in Slovenia, where he also will present guest lectures in plant physiology and forestry courses at the University of Ljubljana.

Awards recognize outstanding LANL Tech Transfer

August 23, 2010—The 12th Annual Technology Transfer Recognition and Awards reception honored Laboratory scientists and technicians who develop scientific technologies in support of the Laboratory’s mission that have potential for commercialization in business and industry.

Second LDRD Day showcases Lab's scientific research

August 24, 2010—The Los Alamos Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program will host the second LDRD Day on September 8 at the Hilton Hotel at Buffalo Thunder Resort in Pojoaque.

Global security topic of talk at American Chemical Society meeting

August 24, 2010—The role of chemists in national security science was a hot topic Monday (August 23) at the American Chemical Society's Boston meeting, when Principal Associate Director for Global Security Will Rees addressed the crowd.

Administration Building demolition project continues

August 23, 2010—The institutionally funded decontamination and decommissioning of the former Administration Building (SM-43) at Technical Area 3 is making progress.

Filing for occupational illness compensation? Satellite office available on-site

August 23, 2010—Monetary compensation and payment of medical expenses are available to current and former Laboratory workers who may have contracted an illness related to chemical exposure while working in a covered Department of Energy facility, as well as to the workers’ survivors.

Awards Recognize Outstanding Science and Technology available to the private sector

August 20, 2010—The 12th Annual Technology Transfer Recognition and Awards reception honored Laboratory scientists and technicians who develop scientific technologies in support of the Laboratory’s mission that have great potential for commercialization in business and industry.

Raising the flag: Ceremony marks Lab receiving VPP Merit-level recognition

August 20, 2010—Officials from NNSA presented an official Voluntary Protection Program flag to Laboratory Director Michael Anastasio in acknowledgement of the Laboratory receiving Merit-level recognition from the Department of Energy as part of DOE's Voluntary Protection Program (VPP).

Heavy rains test Lab erosion control systems

August 19, 2010—Inspections since the heavy rains are revealing damage to some important parts of LANL’s erosion and sediment control systems, said the Lab’s stormwater program manager.

Lab research demonstrates how iron artifacts sequester plutonium from their local environment

August 19, 2010—Researchers collected discarded iron artifacts, such as nails, washers, rebar, and saw blades; from the outdoor environment and analyzed their surfaces for adsorbed plutonium.

Back-to-School Bash at Central Park Square caps successful School Supply Drive

August 19, 2010—Nearly 60 Laboratory employees and their family members participated in the "Kicks for Kids" 3-kilometer fun walk Wednesday as part of the Back-to-School Bash at Central Park Square.

Lab researchers help develop power spectrum emulator code for cosmology studies

August 18, 2010—Many of the most exciting questions in cosmology, including observational probes of dark energy, rely on an understanding of the nonlinear regime of cosmic structure formation. In order to exploit the information available from this regime and to extract cosmological constraints, accurate theoretical predictions are needed.

Repaving of West Jemez Road continues; Pajarito Road being milled now

August 17, 2010—Repaving of a short section of West Jemez Road has begun and cold milling of a 3.5-mile stretch of Pajarito Road also is under way. Drivers are reminded to reduce their speed, use caution, and be aware of bicyclists and pedestrians when traveling through the work area.

New school year is starting; slow down and use caution in school zones

August 17, 2010—The new school year is under way across Northern New Mexico, with Los Alamos public schools starting on Thursday (August 19). Drivers are reminded to be aware of the increased presence of children and to slow down in school zones. Students should be careful getting to school and use caution around buses.

LANSCE sponsors-neutron scattering school on structural materials

August 10, 2010—At this year's Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) School on Neutron Scattering, 34 graduate students and postdocs from all over the world are learning about "Structural Materials." The event began August 5 and runs until Friday (August 13).

Romero Cabin in downtown Los Alamos opening to public

August 9, 2010—The Romero Cabin, the last remaining Hispanic Homesteader’s Cabin not lost in the Cerro Grande Fire in 2000, recently received a sprucing up, thanks in part to a $3,000 grant from Los Alamos National Security, LLC.

LANL Recovery Act project hits hiring peak, exceeds job goals

August 3, 2010—One of New Mexico’s largest Recovery Act projects will hit its hiring peak this summer when an additional 125 people are hired to work on an environmental remediation project at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).

Roadrunner inspires Lab researchers to develop a new hybrid cosmology simulation code

August 3, 2010—Roadrunner, the world's first petaflop computing platform, inspired a new LANL-developed hybrid cosmology simulation code that uses hardware acceleration to help meet these goals.

Oklahoma fire department defends Hazmat Challenge title

August 2, 2010—Midwest City, Oklahoma's Fire Department successfully defended its title in winning the 14th annual Hazmat Challenge hosted at the Lab's Technical Area 49.

Repaving on West Jemez Road scheduled to begin August 2

August 2, 2010—Milling and paving operations are scheduled to begin August 2 and will run through September 30 on West Jemez and Pajarito roads.

Lab buys Sandia tools worth $5.8 million for $500K

July 29, 2010—Imagine investing your nest egg and having your investment come back more than ten-fold. That's similar to what happened when the Lab's Prototype Fabrication (PF) Division acquired machine tools worth $5.8 million for just $500,000 from Sandia National Laboratories after SNL closed down their machine shop in November 2009.

Lab researchers examine the impact of a thawing permafrost on Arctic landscapes

July 27, 2010—Observations indicate that over the past several decades, surface processes in the Arctic have been changing or intensifying. These processes include erosion, expansion of water channel networks, landslides, and degradation of frozen ground previously stable for thousands of years.

Los Alamos County releases 2009 water quality report

July 22, 2010—Los Alamos County recently released its 2009 Drinking Water Quality Report. The report provides detailed information on the quality of the drinking water in Los Alamos.

Lab researcher honored with Albert Einstein Professorship Prize

July 20, 2010—Wojciech Zurek of the Lab's Physics of Condensed Matter and Complex Systems has been awarded the Albert Einstein Professorship Prize by the Foundation of the University of Ulm in Germany.

Lab director shared thoughts on New START Treaty before Senate committees

July 16, 2010—Lab Director Michael Anastasio appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee to respond to the Committee’s questions on the New START Treaty and the ability of the national laboratories to maintain the safety, security, and effectiveness of the stockpile into the future.

Lab student and earthquake survivor featured on Larry King show highlighting Haiti reconstruction

July 15, 2010—Christa Brelsford, a summer student working on her doctoral dissertation in Energy and Infrastructure Analysis (D-4), was among the featured guests on the July 12 “Larry King Live” program on CNN.

Lab research may aid characterization and development of nanoparticles and sensing applications

July 12, 2010—The development of a full spectral, in-flow Raman instrument created by LANL researchers is a powerful new tool for nanomaterials development. The instrument has uses beyond traditional biological applications of flow cytometry.

Lab researcher contributes to new understanding of supernova neutrinos

July 8, 2010—Supernova explosions caused by the collapse of stellar cores play an essential role in the evolution of the Universe, from controlling the temperature of the gas and the rate of star formation in the galactic disk to synthesizing and dispersing heavy elements.

Employees, family members turn out to make Pancakes on Plaza another success

July 8, 2010—Alison Gilstrap of Ethics and Compliance is all smiles Sunday morning on Santa Fe's downtown plaza. Gilstrap was one of 60 Laboratory employees and their family members who volunteered to make and serve pancakes at the 35th annual Pancakes on the Plaza event on July 4.

Valles Caldera Summer Environmental Camp inspires science teachers

July 7, 2010—It’s hard to imagine a more beautiful place for the nation’s science teachers to become better instructors than in that vast outdoor classroom known as the “Valles Caldera.”

Safety first during excavation of World War II landfill

July 6, 2010—The setup for work at Material Disposal Area B is a far cry from grandfather’s dump site. Excavation started last week at MDA B, on the south side of DP Road, where workers will scoop out 22,000 cubic yards of dirt and LANL trash disposed from 1944 to 1948.

New anti-neutrino oscillation results from MiniBooNE

July 6, 2010—MiniBooNE recently announced new oscillation results at the international Neutrino conference in Athens, Greece. The MiniBooNE experiment studies these oscillations by creating intense beams of muon neutrinos and antineutrinos, and directing them at an 800-ton sphere filled with mineral oil and located a half a kilometer away from the beam’s source.

Come to the Next Big Idea July 16-17

July 2, 2010—Are you interested in talking with children and adults about the exciting science taking place at the Laboratory? Then come to The Next Big Idea July 16 and 17 at the Bradbury Science Museum, Fuller Lodge, and Ashley Pond.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates visits Laboratory

July 1, 2010—Secretary of Defense Robert Gates came to the Laboratory on Wednesday for briefings from Director Michael Anastasio and others on LANL's warfighter program and stockpile stewardship efforts.

Kevin W. Smith named new Los Alamos Site Office manager

July 1, 2010—Kevin W. Smith is the new manager of the National Nuclear Security Administration's Los Alamos Site Office.

New NNSA deputy administrator for defense programs named

July 1, 2010—Donald Cook has been confirmed and sworn in as the National Nuclear Security Administration's deputy administrator for defense programs.

Lab scientists involved in $122 million Nuclear Energy Innovation Hub recognized

June 28, 2010—Laboratory materials scientists and computer modeling experts are participating in an effort by the Department of Energy to create a “virtual” reactor that could lead to the next generation of safer, longer-lasting, and less-expensive nuclear reactors.

Postdocs take center stage at Postdoc Research Day

June 28, 2010—Sixty-eight Laboratory postdocs touted their research at Postdoc Research Day earlier this month.

Lab completes 100th shipment to WIPP repository

June 25, 2010—LANL, for the second consecutive year, has hit a milestone of 100 transuranic waste shipments to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad.

2010 Los Alamos Employees' Scholarship drive reaches goal

June 25, 2010—The 2010 Los Alamos Employees' Scholarship Fund drive met its goal. As of June 23, more than $253,000 in donations has been received.

Anastasio: Lab's students are 'nation's hope for the future'

June 24, 2010—Calling Laboratory students the nation's hope for the future, Laboratory Director Michael Anastasio on Wednesday said, "Maybe one of you will be up here in 20 years' time, directing the Laboratory. I sure hope so."

Hitting the mark: Spallation neutron target expected to double cold neutron flux

June 23, 2010—All systems are green for the new Mark-III spallation neutron target at the Lujan Center at LANSCE. Earlier this month, the first proton beam hit the Mark-III target.

Molecular forensic science studies nuclear materials from Chernobyl

June 17, 2010—Marianne Wilkerson leads a research team that is developing analytical, nuclear forensics techniques and tools to address signatures that arise from production, conversion, and aging process that are chemical in nature resulting in sometimes obvious and other times subtle changes in chemical speciation.

Information meeting draws hundreds to Española

June 17, 2010—Hundreds turned out to an informational meeting Wednesday in Española. Sponsored by the Laboratory, the meeting was held to give the public information about planned construction projects on Pajarito Road.

LDRD science serving the nation showcased at D.C. symposium

June 16, 2010—More than 200 researchers from the national laboratories, including Los Alamos, as well as government officials, industry and the military participated in the 2010 NNSA Laboratory Directed Research and Development Symposium.

LANS donates funds to LANL Foundation for new science education consortium

June 14, 2010—Los Alamos National Security, LLC presented a check for $171,500 to the Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation for a new science education consortium to train teachers and principals in four local school districts.

Advocates of employee giving campaigns honored at Fuller Lodge luncheon

June 11, 2010—Employee advocates and Laboratory business partners working together to foster the Laboratory’s giving programs were officially recognized at a luncheon at Fuller Lodge.

LANS recognizes Lab employee, retiree volunteer efforts

June 11, 2010—Saying that he was proud of Laboratory employees and retirees for their volunteer efforts in local communities, Deputy Laboratory Director Ike Richardson joined Los Alamos National Security, LLC and the Community Programs Office in recognizing employee and retiree volunteers during a ceremony at Fuller Lodge.

Brian Munsky wins 2010 Leon Heller Postdoc Publication Prize

June 8, 2010—Brian Munsky, a Richard P. Feynman Distinguished Postdoc Fellow in the Information Sciences and Advancement Measurement Science (CCS-3/B-9) groups, received the 2010 Leon Heller Postdoctoral Publication Prize in Theoretical Physics.

Former LANL chemist returns as DOE assistant secretary, tours Recovery Act work site

June 7, 2010—Saying New Mexico is her second home, former LANL chemist Inés Triay returned to Los Alamos on Friday, this time as DOE’s Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management. Triay received a ceremonial key to Los Alamos County and toured Recovery Act cleanup work sites at TA-21.

June Connections newsletter available online

June 4, 2010—The Laboratory has a long history of serving the nation, from its Manhattan Project beginning in the 1940s to responding to national needs today. In the June issue of the Connections online newsletter, read about how Lab expertise is coming to bear in responding to emergencies across the nation, including in the Gulf.

Lab researchers develop simple method to prepare nanostructured metals for sensing applications

June 2, 2010—Ping Xu, Nathan H. Mack, Sea-Ho Jeon, and Hsing-Lin Wang of the Lab's Physical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy group, Stephen Doorn of Center for Integrated Nanotechnology, and collaborators at the Harbin Institute of Technology in China have developed a novel synthetic platform for nanomaterials by using the conjugated polymer, polyaniline (PANI), as a reductive substrate.

Senator Bingaman applauds LANL and Sandia for helping address the Gulf oil well leak

May 27, 2010—Senator Jeff Bingaman, chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, recently visited the Gulf Coast to learn more about BP's plans to plug the leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico and to clean up the resulting oil spill.

Local nonprofits receive $25,000 from URS Washington Group

May 27, 2010—Eleven local nonprofit organizations received a certificate and checks totaling $25,000 on Wednesday from URS Washington Group, one of the parent companies of Los Alamos National Security, LLC.

Lab researchers shed light on rapid drug resistance in hepatitis C treatment

May 26, 2010—Libin Rong, Harel Dahari, Ruy Ribeiro, and Alan Perelson of Theoretical Biology and Biophysics (T-6) used published data from patients treated with the antiviral drug telaprevir to analyze and explain the emergence of drug-resistant HCV variants.

Lab researcher honored by New Mexico Business Weekly

May 20, 2010—John Singleton of Condensed Matter and Magnet Science was honored recently for his research on practical applications of pulsar physics by New Mexico Business Weekly, which included him in its annual “Who’s Who in Technology” acknowledgment.

Platinum scholarship recipient Trujillo exudes confidence

May 17, 2010—Some people call it cocky, but Escalante High School senior Estevan Trujillo calls it confidence. The 18-year-old Trujillo said he had an inkling he would receive a Los Alamos Employees’ Scholarship Fund scholarship. But he didn’t think he’d receive the $7,500-a-year for four years platinum scholarship.

Hard work pays off for Peñasco High student, LAESF scholar

May 10, 2010—Desiree Garcia is a young woman on the go. Literally. She’s up at 6 every morning and out the door by 7:15 a.m. to drive from Española to Peñasco High School where she is a senior. Garcia is one of 55 Northern New Mexico area students who received a Los Alamos Employees’ Scholarship Fund scholarship.

Latest issue of Connections newsletter available online

May 10, 2010—In the May issue of the Connections online newsletter, read about how the fourth annual Chile Bowl raised more than $20,000 for the San Martin de Porres soup kitchen.

Lab builds distillation test station for energy savings in light hydrocarbon separations

May 6, 2010—In support of its Energy Security mission, the Laboratory is developing methods to increase the energy efficiency of light hydrocarbon separation — the most recent achievement is completion of a sophisticated distillation test station.

Los Alamos a key partner in alliance to develop viable alternative fuels

May 6, 2010—Los Alamos National Laboratory showed its leadership in alternative energy development during the official kickoff of the nation’s largest consortium for research and innovation in advanced algal biofuels.

Lab receives two Awards of Excellence in Technology Transfer

May 5, 2010—The Laboratory recently received two Excellence in Technology Transfer Awards from the Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC). The FLC Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer recognizes science and technology employees in more than 250 FLC laboratories who have accomplished outstanding work in the process of transferring federally developed technology to industry.

May is Electrical Safety Month

May 4, 2010—May is National Electrical Safety Month, and the Laboratory is teaming up with the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) to launch an awareness campaign to educate workers about the steps that can be taken to prevent electrical fires, injuries, and fatalities in the home and the workplace.

Memorial service planned May 18 for Los Alamos Medal winner Conrad Longmire

May 4, 2010—A memorial service for longtime Laboratory scientist and 2004 Los Alamos Medal recipient Conrad Longmire is May 18 at Fuller Lodge in Los Alamos. Longmire died March 22 in Santa Barbara, Calif. at age 88. The service begins at 4 p.m.

Fifty-five New Mexico students receive LAESF scholarships

May 3, 2010—Fifty-five New Mexico students are receiving scholarships thanks to the generosity of Laboratory employees who donated to the Los Alamos Employees’ Scholarship Fund.

LANL wins first- and second-place Telly Awards

May 3, 2010—The Laboratory beat out thousands of contenders to win the top Telly Award for 2010 in the safety category for its video, "Being Human - What happens before mistakes?" Another Lab video, "Stairs and Handrails," received the second-place Telly. Both videos were produced, directed, written, and narrated by Health and Safety Communications Project Leader Rob Nicholas of Industrial Hygiene and Safety.

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