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An Experiment at RHIC--to measure rare processes involving  photons, leptons and identified hadrons to the highest luminosities

Welcome to the BNL group of the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in Upton, NY.
Please find links to the individual group members and more information about the experiment on the left navigation bar.
This currently under construction, if you have comments or suggestions please send me an email.

The BNL PHENIX group in the Physics Department has responsibility for the operation and  physics exploitation of the PHENIX experiment as well as for specific subsystems. The group has specific responsibility for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMCal), Time Expansion Chamber/Transition Radiation Detector (TEC/TRD), Zero Degree Calorimeter/Shower Max Detector (ZDC), Online Control, Data Acquisition, Offline software and Magnet subsystems and an important role in the Hadron Blind Detector (HBD). Group members devote 100% of their effort to RHIC physics nominally divided roughly 50-50 between detector/operations and physics research, but more realistically 40-60 due to operations exigencies. Typical group activities include data taking and manning shifts for the run in progress, which also involves detector testing, installation, study and implementation of improvements, commissioning and preparation of hardware and software for incremental upgrades, calibration and monitoring, while at the same time finishing analyzing data from the past year�s run as well as analyzing the present year�s data and preparing for the next year�s run. Research activities in which the group plays a leading role follow from the detector and technical responsibilities (and vice-versa).  These include:

  • Global event characterization (ZDC) and event-by-event fluctuations (EMCal, global tracking)
  • Coulomb dissociation (ZDC)
  • High transverse momentum pizero, photon and electron physics (EMCal, TEC/TRD)
  • Identified charged hadrons  (global tracking, TEC/TRD)
  • Anti-neutron physics (EMCal, global tracking) 
  • Charm physics (EMCal, global tracking, TEC/TRD)
  • Search for new Physics using Parity Violation as a probe
  • Flavor identified structure functions using parity violating Wproduction (EMCal, global tracking, TEC/TRD)
  • Polarized gluon structure function using direct photons (EMCal)

in both nuclear and polarized proton collisions. The study of PHENIX detector upgrades and improvements, as well as other future possibilities at RHIC, also form an important part of our group�s activities. The main focus of research is to follow up on the major discoveries made by this group in the first few years of Au+Au collisions at RHIC: suppression of π0  from hard-scattering (pT≥ 2 GeV/c) compared to point-like scaling from p+p collisions due to an interaction with the medium; anomalously large p  ratio in the range 2<pT<4.5 GeV/c compared to p+p collisions where the particles in this region are produced by fragmentation of jets from hard-scattering; increase in the charged particle multiplicity and transverse energy ET per participant pair with increasing centrality; first measurement of charm particles (in Au+Au collisions) via their large branching ratio to e and discovery of several interesting properties using this method, notably flow, suppression at large pT and point-like scaling of the number of charm particles produced as a function of centrality; point-like scaling of direct photon production as a function of centrality in Au+Au collisions.

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Last Modified: Thursday, 16-Feb-2006 17:29:55 EST
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