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The Institute serves as a national resource on current literacy research, practice, and policy.

<<   October - 2009   >>

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Dates Event Name Location
10/1 - 10/3 TESL Canada 2009 Conference Banff, Alberta, Canada - Banff Centre
10/1 - 10/30 Learning Disabilities Month Worldwide
10/1 - 10/31 National Book Month Nationwide
10/1 - 10/31 Health Literacy Month Worldwide
10/2 - 10/2 Early Literacy Conference Pittsburgh, PA - Community College of Allegheny County North Campus
10/2 - 10/3 31st International Conference on Learning Disabilities Dallas, TX - Westin Park Central Hotel
10/5 - 10/6 Virginia Association for Adult and Continuing Education Annual Conference Roanoke, VA - Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center
10/5 - 10/6 Improving Outcomes for English Language Learners: Oral Language and Literacy Learning Across the Curriculum Austin, TX - AT&T Executive Education & Conference Center
10/6 - 10/9 41st International Visual Literacy Association Annual Conference Chicago, IL - DePaul University
10/7 - 10/9 Sixth International Literacy Conference: LITCON 2009 Penang, Malaysia
10/7 - 10/9 Correctional Education Association Region II Conference Flintstone, MD - Rocky Gap Lodge & Golf Resort
10/8 - 10/8 2009 Reading Summit Chicago, IL - Union League Club of Chicago
10/8 - 10/8 Read for the Record Nationwide
10/8 - 10/10 Government Relations Workshop Washington, DC
10/9 - 10/10 Intermountain TESOL Annual Conference Provo, UT - Brigham Young University
10/12 - 10/13 LitCam Conference at Frankfurt Book Fair Frankfurt, Germay - Congress Center of the Messe
10/15 - 10/17 Plain Language Association International Conference Sydney, Australia
10/15 - 10/17 Phi Delta Kappa International Conference Indianapolis, IN - Indianapolis Marriott Downtown
10/16 - 10/17 MIDTESOL Annual Conference Springfield, MO - Missouri State University
10/16 - 10/18 7th International Conference on the Book Edinburgh, Scotland - University of Edinburgh
10/17 - 10/20 National Council for Workforce Education Fall 2009 Conference Seattle, WA - Westin Hotel Seattle
10/17 - 10/22 2009 China - U.S. Conference on Workforce Development Beijing, China
10/18 - 10/23 Adult Education and Family Literacy Week Nationwide
10/18 - 10/24 Teen Read Week Nationwide
10/19 - 10/19 Techniques to Address Emotional Issues of Adult Learners Online
10/20 - 10/20 Elevating the Teaching Profession: A National Town Hall Meeting with Arne Duncan Webcast
10/20 - 10/20 National Day on Writing Nationwide
10/21 - 10/21 Thinking Globally About Health Literacy New York, NY - NYU Vanderbilt Hall
10/21 - 10/22 Massachusetts Coalition for Adult Education Annual Conference Marlborough, MA
10/22 - 10/24 International Association for World Englishes 15th Annual Conference Cebu City, Philippines
10/22 - 10/25 National Indian Education Association Annual Convention Milwaukee, WI
10/22 - 10/25 MEXTESOL National Convention Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico - Cintermex Convention Center
10/23 - 10/25 Western Region Research Conference on the Education of Adults Bellingham WA - Western Washington University
10/25 - 10/28 Health Literacy Fall Institute Freeport, ME
10/26 - 10/29 First Triennial Conference on Latino Education and Immigrant Integration Athens, GA - University of Georgia
10/27 - 10/28 COABE/ProLiteracy Southeast Regional Institute Atlanta, GA - Hyatt Regency Atlanta
10/27 - 10/30 West Virginia Adult Education Association Conference Roanoke, WV - Stonewall Resort
10/28 - 11/1 National Association for Multicultural Education Annual Conference Denver, CO
10/28 - 10/30 Annual World Congress on Learning Disabilities Burlington, MA - Boston Marriot Hotel
10/28 - 10/31 14th Great Lakes International Reading Association Regional Conference Grand Rapids, MI
10/29 - 11/1 Second Language Research Forum East Lansing, MI - Michigan State University
10/30 - 10/31 California Reading Association Annual Conference San Diego, CA

<<   October - 2009   >>